Socialists And Other Phonies
Ahh, the glories of socialism. Some of these new Demoncrats elected to the House in the 2018 mid-term elections can’t say enough good things about socialism and the boon it would be to this country. Whatever excuses for legislation these useful idiots have tried to introduce have testified to the fact that either these leftist individuals are totally naive, or they hope we, the public, are totally stupid.
The Copperhead Chronicle – Socialists And Other Phonies PDF
Ahh, the glories of socialism. Some of these new Demoncrats elected to the House in the 2018 mid-term elections can’t say enough good things about socialism and the boon it would be to this country. Whatever excuses for legislation these useful idiots have tried to introduce have testified to the fact that either these leftist individuals are totally naive, or they hope we, the public, are totally stupid.
We have “socialist” Bernie Sanders planning to run for President again. Now Bernie peddles himself as a socialist, but Bernie is worth millions, so he hardly qualifies as a real socialist. Bernie is a “wanna-be” socialist and you can bet that he is not about the adopt the poverty-striken socialism that he wants for the rest of us. After all, with his big bucks, he’s above all that. If elected he will propose and try to introduce poverty-ridden socialism for the rest of us but not for himself.
Then there is Alexandria O. Cortez (AOC) and her “Green New (raw) Deal.” Free everything for everyone, except you won’t be able to use your car in ten years as fossil fuel will be prohibited. Who does she think is going to pay for all these freebies? Why the lucky taxpayer, that’s who. Her proposed 70% tax bracket should handle all that, especially when the money goes to those who are “unwilling to work.” She’s another one who thinks the rest of us are stupid. We are all supposed to spring for all this free stuff and the only cost to any of us will be our liberty and the souls of our children. Small price to pay for all this free stuff, isn’t it?
I wonder how many of these do-gooder socialists would be willing to live under real socialism–Venezuela style, where you can’t get too attached to your family pet because you might have to eat it for supper one-night next week!
I just read an article in the New York Post for 4/18/19, written by a man now living in Florida, Enrique Padron, a refugee from Cuba and he tells what it’s really like for ordinary folks who live in that socialist paradise.
Mr. Padron wrote: “The house where I was born in Communist Cuba had a dirt floor, a bathroom hole in the ground, which we shared with six other families, and a zinc roof that left us unbearably hot in the summer and shivering in the winter.. We had no running water, no refrigerator and no back door on the house. We cooked with charcoal. My mother raised four boys in that ‘house’working 12 hours a day to earn 160 Cuban pesos, or approximately $6, a month.” Well, Bernie and AOC, doesn’t that sound glamorous and exciting? How would you like to do it? No? Why not? You’re always telling us all how great socialism is. This would be your golden chance to really go and live it instead of just preaching it to all the poor rubes you pretend to want to represent! Didn’t think I could convince either of you. When push comes to shove you are both 24-carat, genuine pure-dee fakes!
But Mr. Padron had a little more to say. He told his readers: “Why didn’t we fix it? (the house) In addition to the meager income, we had no access to hardware stores to buy nails or cement to fix our humble house. In fact, the local member of the National Assembly was the only person authorized to approve wheter we could buy a bag of cement or a roll of roof paper–if they were available. We couldn’t buy these simple materials without that precious piece of paper. Can you imagine going to your congressional representative to ask for permission to buy a box of nails. Or roof paper? It seems unthinkable in the United States. But in Cuba, where we lacked the necessities of life, we had to. And when we complained, the authorities scolded us to be grateful for free education and free health care.”
You know something? This is exactly what the so-called socialists in this country who are in Congress have planned for us. Oh, they won’t admit it–yet–but this is what they want for this country. A population too poor to afford decent housing and living conditions is a population too poor to resist socialist aggression! And that’s what it’s really all about
You who are naive enough to vote for socialists had better realize that the conditions in Cuba are what the plan here for you. If you continue to vote socialists into office, at any level, local, state, or national, the only thing that will be free for you in the end will be the planned poverty–and there will be plenty of that to go around–all except for the socialists in Congress who are millionaires.