"Surprise" Whistleblower
Please read this post, which gives some background on the supposed “whistleblower
The Copperhead Chronicle – “Surprise” Whistleblower— Just Another Democratic Political Hack PDF
Well, we heard for weeks how this new, secret whistleblower was going to tell us all what Comrade Adam Schiff wanted us all to hear about Trump’s “impeachable offenses.”
So now this secret whistleblower has finally been outed. They are pretty sure just who he is. And guess what, he is nothing more than yet another partisan Democrat hack who worked for John Brennan at the CIA. Is anyone really surprised?
According to an article by Paul Sperry on https://www.realclearinvestigations.com from October 30th “Federal documents reveal that the 33-year old (Eric) Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia ‘collusion’ investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Further, Ciaramella left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerned about negative leaks to the media. He has since returned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. ‘He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,’ said a former NSC official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.”
It seems as if Trump has had a major problem getting rid of Obama holdovers in his administration. Most of his problems seem to stem from the fact that he has lots of nasty opponents in his administration that should have been deep sixed and they are hanging in there cutting his political throat. He does not seem to be aware of the damage those people can and are doing to him. Oh he has finally become aware of what Brennan, Clapper, and some of the big wigs can do to him, but all the moles that worked for those Deep Staters still seem to be around and it’s almost as if Trump seems unaware of their presence until they rear back and bite him on the hand.
This is the Deep State in living color–trying to shut Trump down before Durham and his investigation can reveal all the crap the Deep State denizens have been involved in and make it public. Once that happens, they, hopefully, will be running for cover so fast they won’t have time to continue to try to cut Trump’s political throat. Of course if that happens they may resort to “other options.”
All you have to do to realize that the Deep State is a living reality is look at what they have continued to do to Trump since his election. What other president in our lifetime has ever gone through three years of political bovine fertilizer after his election? None, you say. Exactly! What does that tell you? It tells me that all the other presidents in our lifetime have been acceptable to the Deep State and so none of them has ever been forced to go through what Trump has. Nixon had Watergate, but that was because he had worked against Alger Hiss in the 1950s and the Deep State never forgave him for that one political indiscretion, even though his later actions showed he had repented of it.
As long as Trump is in office the Deep State will continue to try to remove him. They don’t dare do anything else because, for all his problems, Trump is not one of them and they can’t afford to have someone in the presidency that is not one of their own. So, unless Trump ends up throwing in the towel for some reason, look for this kind of sabotage/coup against him to go on and on and on.