“A Very Bad Gift”
Communist China loosed this virus on the rest of the world while protecting her own.
Revised History – “A Very Bad Gift” PDF
An article in InfoWars.com recently noted comments from President Trump. It said, in part, “US President Donald Trump says he doesn’t know whether China and the US will be able to get along after Beijing gave America the very bad gift of the coronavirus…I guess I view the trade deal (with China) a little bit differently than I did three months ago. The ink wasn’t dry on that deal when the plague floated in.”
Trump suggested that questions need to be asked about why Beijing stopped the Wuhan Virus from spreading in China but not other parts of the world. It’s a good question and I hope he keeps asking it. You can be sure he won’t get any help from the mainstream media because they are all in Red China’s back pocket–along with China’s wallet!
Trump also noted that “…how come it came out to Europe, to the world, to the United States. So it didn’t go to China–they stopped it cold, they knew it was a problem, but they didn’t stop it from coming to the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. Somebody has to ask these questions.”
You almost get the impression Mr. Trump is asking these questions rhetorically–because he already knows the answers. And he’s right! Communist China loosed this virus on the rest of the world while protecting her own. They let their disease carriers travel all over the world–except in China.
You can’t tell me that this was not deliberate on the part of Communist China. If you think this was all “accidental” then you haven’t been paying attention and you lack the ability to discern the Communist mindset. This is exactly the kind of thing a Communist country would do It’s evil and diabolical–but then so is Communism!
They had early info about the capability of this virus–and they had that information behind the shield of one of their favorite running dogs–the United Nations World Health Organization.
There are useful idiots who dare to condemn us for defunding the World Health Organization, and I’m being charitable by calling them useful idiots. They are either totally naïve or they fervently hope we are. I pray Mr. Trump sticks with his plan to defund the WHO and doesn’t cave into socialist pressure to relent. Rest assured he will get the pressure–from those who want us to continue to fund our own destruction.
We should permanently defund the WHO and all other United Nations agencies. The United Nations is NOT our friend and we damn well better start getting use to that idea.