“Racism” and the Left

We are letting the Communists use our children to destroy our society and culture and it seems we just love to have it so.

Revised History – “Racism” and the Left PDF

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            Tucker Carlson had an interesting monologue on the other night about The Rise of Left-Wing Mobs in America. An article on Zero Hedge observed: “Left wing mobs have seemingly come for everyone who doesn’t 100% agree with their radical views on endemic white supremacy in American society. And now they’ve renewed their attacks on Carlson and his producers who have already survived one coordinated advertiser boycott, along with many others who don’t have nearly as many resources as the prime-time Fox news host.”

            “Radical leftists have never had so much influence in the culture, largely due to weak political leaders and celebrities who share and support their propaganda as if it were the most fundamental truth” according to the article. Tucker observed: “For now it’s enough to say that the country’s defenses have been badly weakened by decades of propaganda…we are too sinful to resist, we deserve whatever we get..shut up and take it America.”

            Tucker noted a scene from Sesame Street showing what a racial problem they claim we have in America. So even our kids and now to be taught how evil and “racist” we are. The Left always did have as part of its evil agenda the spewing forth of its dogma to our children. This is nothing new. They believe in “gettin’ ’em while they are young.”  Lots easier than trying to convince them when they are older!

            Tucker asked the question “Who are we? Well, at this point, we are becoming North Korea…” I recall reading an article years ago by a writer, who obviously knew the score. He contended that our universities were becoming “little ivy-covered North Koreas.” He was right on the money. And with all the Chinese Communist involvement with many of our prestigious “institutions of higher learning” we are seeing those communist chickens coming home to roost–and many of  them will end up roosting in our own basements until they find work of some sort.

            We are letting the Communists use our children to destroy our society and culture and it seems we just love to have it so.

            Tucker Carlson has a solution to this dilemma. He feels that if only enough people will stand up and resist this barrage of leftism and do it publicly, the Leftists will start to back off. The left does not appreciate opposition–especially if it is principled opposition–since they have no principle except “the end justifies the means.”

            Of course, that would mean that ordinary folks would have to start learning what a total crock the whole leftist position really is so they could resist it. Whether there remains that much backbone left in the country or not we will just have to see.

            It’s interesting that many of those promoting this “all whites are inherently racist” flapdoodle are white themselves. They are people on the left who have caved into this foolishness. They fail to realize their own fragile situation in all this, because if they are white then automatically, they are “racist” too, no matter how much they protest against it.

            And then we have the damn-foolishness thrown at us that it is only whites that can be “racist” and no other race has that possibility. If you are dumb enough actually to believe that I have a bridge in the Arizona desert, I’d love to sell you!

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            Try telling me that some Black Panther type with an AK 47 in his hand and shouting racial epithets at white folks is not “racist” and anyone with a brain will laugh in your face. At least those who have not been brainwashed yet will!

            You folks who are ashamed of having  been born white should maybe take that up with God, since He made you what you are, just like He made those of other races what they are.

            And all races, not just whites, have a big problem. It’s a sin problem, something we were all born with and something none of us in our own strength can do anything about. There is only one solution to that problem–and that is something we can do something about.  We can recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to forgive our sins–if we will only ask Him to do that. And if we refuse to do that, then we really have problems.

            Scripture says that “In due time Christ died for the ungodly.” That’s all of us, no matter what color we are. The solution to that problem, John 14:6.

            So don’t buy into all the leftist propaganda. Learn enough about it to expose it for the fraud against humanity it really is, and them embrace the One who is truly, the way, the truth and the life.