Is The Mask The Mark Of The Beast?
Governors and mayors with a dictatorial bent just love being able to force people to do this kind of thing.
Revised History – Is The Mask The Mark Of The Beast? PDF
I have noticed in recent days the re-emergence of the push to have everyone have to wear a mask everywhere, all the time.
Governors and mayors with a dictatorial bent just love being able to force people to do this kind of thing. Whether they have the right to do it or not makes no difference to them. It satisfies their Big Brother intentions and gives them that emotional boost they only seem to get when ordering people around.
Some businesses have even gotten into the act, now refusing to sell anything to anyone whose face is not dutifully covered. No doubt there will now be a push to do this nationwide. One wonders when they will get around to telling us we have to wear these masks to bed–no doubt on pain of death or immediate imprisonment should the local “mask patrol” decide to inspect our bedrooms at three in the morning and find us in bed maskless. Oh the horror of such an occurrence!
The thought came to me this morning, that these obligatory face masks could just end up being the 21st century version of the Mark of the Beast, seeing that you may well not be able to buy or sell anything anywhere unless you are wearing one.
Totalitarians of the world unite! You have nothing to lose as long as you control what passes for our “news media” unless, at some point, the public finally refuses to play your game and rebels. Then you may have a problem.