China’s “Gift” To the World and Its Results
“Evidence also exists indicating that, although many deaths occurring during the Wuhan pandemic were due to flu or other causes, the Centers for Disease Control tallied them as being caused by the virus. The instructions put out by the CDC for doctors stated basically that, if in doubt, credit it to Wuhan. This exaggerated the numbers, and instilled fear into the population of the United States.”
Revised History – China’s “Gift” To the World and Its Results PDF
In his informative new book China–The Deep States Trojan Horse In America Arthur R. Thompson makes a number of penetrating observations which many may not have considered but should.
Regarding the current Chinese pandemic he writes, starting on page 93, that “And no one talked about the long- term problems that would result: the precedent of government bailouts, the growth of inflation due to the growth of the money supply that destroys the value of people’s savings and pensions, the idea that government may limit the peaceful assembly of people in violation of the First Amendment and state constitutions, and the potential worldwide coordination of mandatory vaccinations and implants in the name of stopping viruses.”
These are things all people should be cognizant of, but thanks to dumbing down by our “news” media, few really are. I noticed in the Spring that when people in some states were protesting these unconstitutional lockdowns in their states, all the managed media could complain about was that “those protesters are not wearing masks and they are not practicing “social distancing” Yet when Black Lives Matter and related Marxist thugs were rioting in the streets and burning down parts of cities, the “news” media didn’t seem to care all that much about them not wearing masks or doing the “social distancing” thing. You see, we have two sets of rules in this country–one for us normal folks and quite another for those Marxist thugs that are working to tear down our society at the behest of the globalists. We are prohibited from doing this, that, or the other things. They can do what they darn well please because they know the news media and the politicians will cover for them.
On page 94 Mr. Thompson continued: “No responsible entity–except for the Chinese, their minions around the world, and American globalists–denies that the virus originated in China. Given the propensity of the Chinese communists to have total disregard even for the lives of their own citizens, one has to speculate, given the advantages for globalism, which is a prime aim of the communists, on whether this was a planned event. One has to ask this question since the results have been so advantageous to the Chinese government and appeared so suddenly on the heels of the “virus” exposure, implemented swiftly, as if they were already planned and ready to set in motion.”
Mr. Thompson is asking the same question many of us have asked–was this pandemic floated out there on purpose to destabilize us and the rest of the world to the advantage of the Chinese communists?
And he observed, on page 96, that: “Evidence also exists indicating that, although many deaths occurring during the Wuhan pandemic were due to flu or other causes, the Centers for Disease Control tallied them as being caused by the virus. The instructions put out by the CDC for doctors stated basically that, if in doubt, credit it to Wuhan. This exaggerated the numbers, and instilled fear into the population of the United States.” I recall reading an article just this past week about a man killed in a motorcycle accident in Florida and they listed him as a victim of the Chinese virus. So what happened there? Did his motorcycle infect him or what??? That’s only one case of “mistaken diagnosis.” How many more are there out there like that?
State and local politicians are out there issuing edicts and mandates and one of their prime targets has been churches, which they deem “non-essential.” Abortion clinics are “essential” but churches aren’t. Anyone see anything wrong with this picture? Mr. Thompson noted that the far-left mayor of New York City has threatened to permanently close any church or synagogue that dares to hold religious services “in violation of his edicts.” Mr. Thompson also observed that: “For the first times in American history, Christians were forbidden to celebrate Easter.” There is a subtle message in that fact that should wake our Christian brethren up, but I am afraid it won’t.
In a footnote on page 98 Mr. Thompson reminds us: “Let us interject that the future strategy of the PLA toward warfare rests on three legs: cyberwarfare, outer space, and biological warfare.” This pandemic would fit nicely into the last category. And for those who may still not know, the PLA mentioned here is the Peoples Liberation Army–an arm of the Chinese Communist Party.
Mr. Thompson’s book is must reading for you if you want to know what Communist China’s real game is. I don’t know if Amazon will carry it or not. It may contain too much truth for them, truth they would rather you didn’t become privy to. But you can contact the John Birch Society at http://www.JBS.org for more information.