How Did Some Southern Congresspersons Vote On Removing Confederate Statues From Capitol?

There was a vote taken in the House of Representatives very recently to remove all Confederate statues from the national capitol. Given the present radical composition of the House it came as no surprise that this insanity passed by a vote of 305-113

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           There was a vote taken in the House of Representatives very recently to remove all Confederate statues from the national capitol. Given the present radical composition of the House it came as no surprise that this insanity passed by a vote of 305-113.

            I was curious about who voted how and so I looked up our congresspersons for the states of Louisiana where I live and also for Arkansas and Mississippi, both of which I have spent some time in. It was an interesting exercise.

            I found that three of our congressmen from Louisiana voted to keep the Confederate statues. They were Graves, Higgins, and Johnson, and we can all thank them for their votes. Ralph Abraham didn’t bother to vote, for what reason I don’t know. A Congressman Richmond voted to get rid of the statues, but he’s a Democrat so I would rather expect that. The big surprise to me was Steve Scalise who also voted to get rid of the Confederate monuments. Mr. Scalise I’m sorry to have to say that I would have expected better from you. I hope you are not trying to appease those on the political left. If you are you should know better. Those on the left will never be satisfied until they trash us and our history completely, and if you don’t know that by now you should!

            I also checked out the Congressmen from Arkansas. One named Hill voted to remove the statues, but three others, Crawford, Westerman, and Womack, all voted to keep them. They deserve your thanks. As for Hill, since I’m feeling charitable today I will conclude that the less said the better and let it go at that–for now.

            In Mississippi, Congressmen Guest, Kelly, and Palazzo all voted to keep the Confederate statues. Good folks in Mississippi should thank them. Thompson from Mississippi voted to get rid of the statues but he’s another Democrat and since they are known to vote socialist anymore, again, I’d expect nothing else.

            I don’t know a lot about some of these folks. On other issues they may be either good or terrible, but in this instance they voted the right way–at least the ones that voted to keep the statues. There were also some good Northern folks that voted to keep the statues. In this instance they did better than some of the Southerners.

            It becomes more apparent as we go along that if we in the South do not hold our elected representatives’ feet to  the fire many of them will do as they darn well please and the hell with what their constituents want! I assume that for this piece of trash to become law it will have to go before the Senate also. At that point we may be able to get a glimpse at how many senators in Washington also hate our history and heritage–and how many of them might be Republicans.

            We need to keep track of all this stuff so we will be aware of what some of these political charlatans are going to try to do to our history and heritage.