Bet the Major “News” Media Didn’t Cover This One

As far as the destruction of private property in such cities, those that govern those cities couldn’t care less. Being pro-Marxist they regard all private property (except their own) as expendable and not worth defending.

Revised History – Bet the Major “News” Media Didn’t Cover This One PDF

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           We have all seen major news stories recently about how Black Lives Matter and Antifa, both pro-Marxist organizations, have been running amuck in big cities across the country and how the governments in those big cities have  been coddling and defending them. You get the impression that these groups can pretty much go where they want and do what they want.  And when it comes to cities controlled by Marxist Democrats that is pretty much true because those that run these cities seem to have a lot in common with BLM and Antifa.

            As far as the destruction of private property in such cities, those that govern those cities couldn’t care less. Being pro-Marxist they regard all private property (except their own) as expendable and not worth defending.

            Things often work out a bit differently out in the hinterlands, out here in flyover country, though. A recent article on told of one case where this was the truth. The article observed: “The patriotic citizens of Berthoud, Colorado, put major American cities including Portland and Seattle to shame, running Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters out of town as soon as they showed their faces and threatened to cause a scene…Meanwhile, in large Democrat-run cities across America,  radical leftists including Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being coddled and encouraged by indulgent leftist mayors and city councils, as violent riots continue to spread like wildfire.”

            Both the local police and the townspeople in Berthoud got together and literally herded the leftist demonstrators out of town and told them “And pick up your trash.” Leftist demonstrators, supposedly concerned about the environment, are noted for leaving piles of their trash anyplace they demonstrate in. Places they spend any amount of time in look like pig pens when they leave. On second thought, maybe that’s being unfair to the pigs who can’t clean up their mess. The leftists could, but seldom do. After all, they are “above” that sort of thing as disciples of Marx they are out to change our society, whether we want it changed or not!

            The leftists were told “Keep moving! Get outta here.” This from local residents who let the lefties know they were not welcome in Berthoud as soon as they got there. There is a lesson here for the bigger cities on how to deal with BLM and Antifa. But they probably will ignore it because those who run these big Democrat-controlled cities really don’t have any problem with leftist protesters. Their biggest problem is with those who try to defend their own property. With the new Marxism invading this country that is just not permitted.

            Remember the couple in St. Louis who recently stood outside their house that leftist radicals had threatened to trash? Both the man and his wife had guns. Later the police showed up and confiscated his AR 15. I don’t know if they took any other weapons or not, but either way, the lesson was made clear to him–Don’t you dare defend your own property against leftist radicals. If you do we will confiscate your weapons and make sure you are defenseless against them. 

            I doubt that would have worked in Berthoud, Colorado. It won’t work in lots of smaller towns and cities out here in flyover country either–unless the local residents are foolish enough to elect Marxist Democrats as their towns’ leaders.

            You really have to be aware of the kind of people that are running for office in many places. The day when you can just ignore them is long past. Now you need to really start paying attention to who they are and what they have been involved with before they ran for office in your town. Often a little research will turn up info on some of them that will help you decide that you don’t really want this or that person running your town. You ignore their political affiliations at your own peril.