The Civil War Has Finally Arrived

Well, folks, it looks like the civil war which the Deep State has been trying to promote for so many months by having their Marxist proxies loot and burn all across the country has finally arrived.

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            Well, folks, it looks like the civil war which the Deep State has been trying to promote for so many months by having their Marxist proxies loot and burn all across the country has finally arrived.

            It has taken quite a while for Middle America to get ticked off enough to start fighting back but it finally seems to be happening. I read about two different accounts today where the Marxist Black Lives Matter group has been marching into various neighborhoods to provoke trouble and they have finally gotten some. People have finally been driven to the point where they are starting to defend their property with their firearms and, at this point, it seems that some of them are better shots than the BLM thugs.

            In a rural town in Southern Pennsylvania Black Lives Matter started their usual march into a neighborhood to commit their usual mayhem only to be confronted by three local property owners with rifles. Before the BLM Marxists got out of there one of them ended up getting shot. I can just see what the major “news” media will do with this. We will now be regaled with tales of how humble, peaceful protesters were mercilessly set upon by pro-Second Amendment criminals’ intent on causing them bodily harm. It will never occur to anyone that if BLM had not been raising such hell around the country, they would not have had this problem.

            But BLM and Antifa have engaged in such major property damage around the country, often with local police just standing down, that people have gotten to where they figure they need to protect their own property because the police sure ain’t doing much of that anymore.

            The other incident was in Kenosha, Wisconsin where BLM has been doing their usual thing for three nights now and here they have, again, been faced down with someone with a rifle who seems willing to shoot back. It’s interesting that, when BLM is faced with irate citizens with firearms, they seem to all of a sudden become the “peaceful protesters” they and the “news” media claimed they were all along. If no one showed up with guns to oppose them they would probably try to burn the area to the ground.

            One thing you have to say about the Marxists, they are cowards. When those they attack dare to resist, they don’t like that very much because it means that some of them may get hurt and that is not in their game plan. Their agenda is to hurt others without being hurt themselves.

            As much as I would love to see them  get their comeuppance you have to remember that they are the “resistance from below” that I have written about many times and they are being used by the “resistance from above” that I have also written about.

            They are little more than “useful idiots”, putty in the hands of those Deep State creatures that are working day and night to take this country down. Those people would dearly love to promote a race war in this country so that well-intentioned folks of all races would not be aware of how the Deep State is busy playing all of us for suckers.

            The Deep State crowd uses Marxist outfits like BLM and Antifa to raise cain in the hope that good people will never figure out what they are really all about and connect the dots. In the meantime, I see no problem with folks protecting their property from these Marxist thugs.