The South’s Real Enemies Are Communists
Some uninformed folks continue to believe the delusion that Marxists and various other socialists have nothing whatever to do with the rioting and mayhem being visited on many American cities. So when their world comes crashing down around them and they did nothing to prevent it they have no one to blame but themselves.
Revised History – The South’s Real Enemies Are Communists PDF
Some uninformed folks continue to believe the delusion that Marxists and various other socialists have nothing whatever to do with the rioting and mayhem being visited on many American cities. So when their world comes crashing down around them and they did nothing to prevent it they have no one to blame but themselves.
This is just as true in the South as in any other part of the country.
In a recent article on https://neonnettle.com there were remarks by Communist activist Angela Davis. Many folks from my generation will remember Comrade Davis. The article noted: “Longtime communist Davis warns that the violent BLM and Antifa demonstrations currently ravishing cities across America are simply the early stages of a larger radical-left revolution.” Communists usually lie to you, but on occasion, they will give you a little truth. Comrade Davis is doing that here. She is also happy that the rioters are tearing down historic statues, which she says are only there as a testimony to our “racism.” Here she is lying to you.
Here in the South it is long past time that the average Southerner woke up to the fact that the destruction of our statues and the attack on our heritage are all part of the Communist revolution that is planned for this country. You can’t just sit back and ignore it. Doing that makes you complicit in it. When good people do nothing they compromise with evil–and that includes Christians who do nothing.
In the third edition of the Southern Defender Gene Kizer Jr. has written: “Since the 1960s, the interpretation of Southern history and the War Between the States put forth by most of the news media and academia is largely a fraud. It is driven by the racist ‘identity politics of the neo-Marxists and the Democrat Party, not on historical truth…Neo-Marxists and Democrats are foremost among the political leaders working to remove our Confederate monuments. These people have an axe to grind, and they grind it with a vengeance, ignoring polls showing that 60% of Americans want the monuments left alone. If the neo-Marxists cannot find a legal way to remove the monuments, they simply break the law…” For information about the Southern Defender check out https://VictoryFlagsAndMore.com or email rayshores@victorystaff.org
Years ago, when I was in the John Birch Society, I was told that our main adversaries were liberals, socialists, and Communists. I found that to be an accurate assessment. When I became involved in the Southern Heritage Movement, I discovered that its main enemies were, guess who–liberals, socialists and communists. These people, with the willing aid of what passes for the news media today, are mainly the ones that are trashing our heritage. Destruction of our Southern history and heritage is a major part of the agenda for communist revolution in America. And if we let them get away with it through our reluctance to “get involved” we have no one to blame but ourselves. Letting them get away with it shows that we have no regard for the futures of our children and grandchildren or what they learn–and the Lord will hold us accountable for that!
Many will read this and say “Oh, but the liberals are not really all that bad.” In our day, the liberals that take part in the trashing of our culture are little more than slow communists. They haven’t quite arrived at full-blown Marxism yet, but they are headed in that direction. Unless they wake up and repent, they will get there eventually–probably sooner than later.
People need to wake up and realize who their real enemies are and realize that they need to work to defeat those enemies unless they are willing to sit by while their children are taught to accept the shackles of Marxist slavery. And guess where they will learn to accept those shackles–your local public brain laundry