Is Seattle a Marxist City?
The title of this article may seem like a shocking question, but given the circumstances, you do have to wonder.
Revised History – Is Seattle a Marxist City? PDF
The title of this article may seem like a shocking question, but given the circumstances, you do have to wonder.
I came across a blog last evening (I didn’t even get the name of it) where one of the commentators asked what I felt were some pertinent questions. He said: “The first question that should be asked is why in the hell is there a statue of communist Vladimir Lenin on display in Seattle, or anywhere else in the country in the first place? Secondly, why the hell hasn’t this statue been vandalized, defaced, burned, or better yet torn down like the Confederate soldier statues, Christopher Columbus, or Texas Rangers that have been ripped down in recent weeks?” Both excellent questions. But then he answers them: “Oh, that’s right, Lenin was a Communist, just like Democrats and the Black Lives Matter, Antifa terrorists. Of course, they wouldn’t yank down, or vandalize a statue of one of their own idols.” His comments were made back in mid-June and to the best of my knowledge, the Seattle statue of Comrade Lenin still remains there, unscarred, undefaced, and untouched.
So you have to ask yourself, what sort of city is Seattle anymore? You can bet if there had been a statue of Stonewall Jackson there at any point it would be long gone by now–but Lenin remains undisturbed. Do people in the Seattle city government want him there? And, if so, what comment does that make about the city government of Seattle? I wonder if any other big cities have statues of Lenin, Marx, or any of their cohorts, and if they do, I’d be willing to bet those statues have been untouched also.
In doing a little “huntin’ and peckin’ for this article, I came across another interesting article that may shed a bit of light on what sort of city Seattle has become. This one was on https://www.foxbusiness.com and the headline for it read Seattle business owners blast city leaders as stores remain shut: ‘Sick and tired’ of mayor pandering to ‘Marxist’ council. Sounds like all ain’t well in the environs of Seattle.
The article continued: “‘We’re now at the point where we’re sick and tired of our mayor that continues to pander to our Marxist city council members’ Joey Rodolfo, the owner of a clothing store in Seattle, which is close to the Capitol Hill Organized Protest Zone, or CHOP, told Fox & Friends on Thursday.” It seems that Mr. Rodolfo has finally had enough. He is planning to move to Arizona.
The article continued: “Last month, Seattle police forcefully cleared out ‘CHOP’ the infamous protest zone in the Capitol Hill neighborhood after weeks of protests that culminated with two fatal shootings that forced the city’s Democrat leadership to finally act after facing weeks of mounting scrutiny…” Another small business owner, Andrea Raetzer, noted: “There is a complete lack of communication between small business owners in the downtown Seattle area and our city council and our mayor’s office. It seems like they are more interested in hearing and making the rioters and protesters more comfortable, yet they’re not interested in speaking with us.”
She’s right. If the mayor and city council are leaning in a Marxist direction, which seems rather obvious, they couldn’t care less about speaking with small business owners. As small business owners and defenders of the right of private property, you are the enemy. It’s as simple as that.
Not only that, but in Seattle, BLM activists have been busy practicing what most would call extortion. They have been going around to people’s homes at night and “advising” them to either give them money or give up their homes.
An article of https://www1.cbn.com for August 14th noted: “BLM activists claim the residents they targeted helped to ‘gentrify’ the formerly black neighborhood by the mere act of renting their homes. So, they’re demanding the residents pay up and give back. ‘We want it all, We want everything we’re supposed to have. Period. And then some. Because everything we’re supposed to have ain’t enough.” Thus spake the BLM!
And it would seem that the city government in Seattle has no problem with this. I’ve not read anything stating that they are trying to stop this extortion. So they are probably okay with it. Have any of you ever thought this might just be communist revolution? If not, you haven’t been paying attention! How soon will it before all this comes to a city near you–or the one you may live in?
So asking if Seattle is a Marxist city ain’t all that far out.
The question then arises–how many other cities and towns across the country have mayors and city councils that would dearly love to do to their citizens exactly what Seattle is now doing? In the upsurge of Marxist revolution in this country you have to know Seattle is not the only place this mindset occurs. What about Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Dallas, Texas, Jackson, Mississippi or Shreveport, Louisiana, or St. Louis, Missouri to mention a few possibles?
There is a lesson here for the voters in big as well as smaller cities. You need to be informed about those running for mayor and city council in your areas. You need to do a little homework about the backgrounds of these people. Who are their friends? What groups are or have they been associated with? What causes do they support? You will find that a little advance homework helps. Should you run across any potential leftists it is lots easier to keep them out of office than it is to get rid of them after they have ensconced themselves in positions of power that will enable them to practice their leftist agendas on you and your fellow voters. Just a word to the wise.