Public Schools and Communist Front Groups–How one uses the other
Those who have followed my writing over the years know that I have been critical of the Public-School Movement going all the way back to its inception when it was pushed and promoted by Northern Unitarians and socialists.
Revised History – Public Schools and Communist Front Groups–How one uses the other PDF
Those who have followed my writing over the years know that I have been critical of the Public-School Movement going all the way back to its inception when it was pushed and promoted by Northern Unitarians and socialists.
The public-School system has a tradition of weakening the moral fabric of America. This is not to say that all public-school teachers are bad people. They are not. I have friends that are or were public school teachers. Several of them left the public-school system because they saw where it was going and they didn’t want to make that trip. Today’s article may explain why.
I came across an article on https://thefederallist.com for July 7, 2020 quite by accident but when I saw it I knew I had to comment on it. The title of the article is Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into Little Marxists. Needless to say that caught my eye.
The article noted, in part, that “New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter (BLM)-themed lesson plans this fall. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into ‘systemic racism,’ police brutality, and white privilege in their classrooms.”
The article continued: “North Carolina’s largest school system in Wake County launched a website this summer that provides BLM lessons for teachers to use in classrooms and for parents to use at home. Supposedly, they are trying to combat “racism and oppression.” Pardon me, but I am afraid that is so much hogwash! The article stated: “By bringing BLM into the classroom, activist educators are allowing the most radically divisive movement in modern American history to warp children’s worldviews.” And that is what it’s really all about. Real education has nothing to do with it–but teaching the next generation how to be good little Marxists has everything to do with it.
The article noted that “Splashed across the homepage of the Wake County School System’s website is BLM founder Patrisse Cullors. It is puzzling that a self-proclaimed ‘trained Marxist’ such as Cullors, would be a role model for the school system’s anti-hatred, anti-oppression curriculum. Do these school administrators realize that Karl Marx’s road to utopia led to millions of deaths at the hands of tyrants?” While some of them may not, you can bet the farm that those who promoted the use of this program do–and they don’t care. If what they can foist on the children of America promotes Marxism then, in their eyes, it is all justified. Cullors has been noted as a “close ally” of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. She has also been noted, in the New American Magazine as having been trained by Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground that was responsible for terrorist bombings during the 1960s and 70s.So her claim about being a trained Marxist is no exaggeration.
So why does an organization with this sort of background get to insert its agenda into public school systems? My regular readers know why. It’s because the public-school system is really not about education. It is about indoctrination–socialist indoctrination for decades and totally Marxist indoctrination in our day.
Textbook protesters opposed this trend in West Virginia back in the 1970s. They were ridiculed and no one paid attention to what they tried to do. Fifty years later the chickens are coming home to roost and those who endorse the public-school system are left trying to explain why public schools are using Marxist-oriented materials on the kids in this country.
I have to wonder where Trumps Education Secretary is while all this is going on. Surely, she has to be aware, and if she isn’t, then maybe he needs a new education secretary– better yet, maybe he needs to just jettison the entire federal Department of Education.
So now a well-known and documented Marxist organization is using the public-school system to promote its Marxist agenda. One wonders how long it will be before the public-school system itself becomes just one more front organization for the communists.