The Issue Is Always Communist Revolution
“Leftists have long used the infamous slogan the issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.”
Revised History – The Issue Is Always Communist Revolution PDF
An article in the New American Magazine for July 6th of this year by Alex Newman observed that: “Leftists have long used the infamous slogan the issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution. This saying gives you an idea of what communist revolutionaries are really all about, no matter what they tell you or the lying news media. The issue they claim to be promoting or endorsing is, at root, not what they are really all about. That issue, whatever it may be is really only a way to promote communist revolution in America. So, when BLM or Antifa or some other group with a noble-sounding name tells you they are combatting “systemic racism” or “police brutality” or some other so-called righteous cause you know it is really all about promoting communist revolution in the streets no matter what they tell you.
Their aim is really promoting communist revolution and using some noble-sounding cause or rhetoric to do that because that is what they are really all about. The noble-sounding language usually fools the uninitiated and the “useful idiots” into thinking they are really doing the world some good by their efforts when all they are doing is becoming “pawns in the game” for the Marxists.
Alex Newman continued: “That could not be more obvious today, as those seeking to remake America use the longtime communist strategy of applying pressure from below and pressure from above to trap Americans in their pincer grip to reconstruct America….The revolutionaries and their backers–billionaire backers such as George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty–are attempting to undermine civilization, limited government, the rule of law, Christianity, traditional morality, free markets and individual liberty by equating them all to ‘white supremacy’ and ‘structural racism’.”
So all those riots, looting and burnings that the “news” media told you were “spontaneous”–well, guess what folks–they weren’t! The news media, so called, lied to you. And what’s more, they knew they were lying! So don’t kid yourself about the integrity of the news media. It doesn’t have any! Most of the news media supports communist revolution because many of their talking heads know what it’s really all about. They job is to make sure you don’t know. Alex Newman stated, later in his article what I felt was a good summation. He said: “Simply stated, the riots aim to dismantle American and Christian civilization, and replace them with something new.” Do I need to tell you what the “something” is? I surely hope not because if I do then you really haven’t been paying attention.
And our “institutions of higher learning” have been helping out with the communist revolution also. In an article on https://www.redstate.com for September 4, 2020 they carried an article, the headline for which was Washington and Lee University Offers Course in ‘Overthrowing the State.’ Supposedly this information was brought forward by a student who said “I am completely disappointed with the University’s blatant appeal to Marxism through this class.” He better be careful. If they find out who brought this to people’s attention this student will find himself on the outside looking in! This is what your universities are teaching your kids today–and to think that many of you are paying through the none for this kind of “education.”
Then there was an article on http://www.worldnetdaily.com for September 2, 2020 by Michael Brown which said: “Is it true that leaders of the BLM movement, including one of the cofounders, are calling on the spirits of the dead? That they claim to receive spiritual power from the deceased? That they talk with these spirits and even give them names? The answer to all these questions is yes. This is now an open secret.” Maybe Christians who support the BLM should reconsider that support, lest you find yourselves fighting against God.
Just remember, all this riotous stuff going on today is nothing more than communist revolution and those that support it support communist revolution. And those that refuse to speak up and expose that revolution for fear of being labeled as “racists” are, by their silence, complicit with that revolution.