What About Another Country?
Well, it looks like the Republican/Democratic deep state establishment plans to steal the recent election from Donald Trump. Many Republicans are looking to stab him in the back and it would seem that his open detractors–from the Vice President and the Supreme Court on down have decided they favor a Harris/Biden presidency over another term for Trump. Mr. Trump has millions of friends among ordinary folks, but the ruling elites want him gone and to that end they will deny him any chance to present clear evidence of massive vote fraud–even though such exists. The courts will refuse even to consider it, claiming it doesn’t exist. It does exist and they are liars, along with the mainstream media, but they control the levers of power so Trump and, by extension, the American electorate, will end up being screwed yet one more time. We should be used to this by now.
Revised History – What About Another Country?s PDF
Well, it looks like the Republican/Democratic deep state establishment plans to steal the recent election from Donald Trump. Many Republicans are looking to stab him in the back and it would seem that his open detractors–from the Vice President and the Supreme Court on down have decided they favor a Harris/Biden presidency over another term for Trump. Mr. Trump has millions of friends among ordinary folks, but the ruling elites want him gone and to that end they will deny him any chance to present clear evidence of massive vote fraud–even though such exists. The courts will refuse even to consider it, claiming it doesn’t exist. It does exist and they are liars, along with the mainstream media, but they control the levers of power so Trump and, by extension, the American electorate, will end up being screwed yet one more time. We should be used to this by now.
Seeing the game will always be played this way–is anyone out there in favor of secession?
I read an interesting article by Thomas Luongo for December 24, 2020 on https://www.lewrockwell.com and Mr. Luongo’s comments were worth noting. He said, in part, “So, for me, the idea of the U.S. breaking up into its component parts has been a constant companion most of the adult life. And, as a libertarian, I always think in terms of secession first, rather than revolution. It sits on my shoulder whispering in my ear the truth of what’s in front of us. We’ve reached a very important moment in world history. It is that moment where the promises of classical liberalism are failing in the face of a creeping totalitarian nightmare…secession, not revolution, is always the better option rather than the pre-packaged violent one which the oligarchs always seem to prepare for us.” He has a point, and he knows his history too. He talks about the mythology that surrounds the War of Northern Aggression. He observes: “The mythology states this was the war we had to fight to prevent slavery’s survival into the 20th century. But was it that? Slavery may have been a dividing line to stoke the passions, but it wasn’t the big factor driving the states apart, the Tariff of Abomination was. Again, if we’re being honest with ourselves wasn’t Lincoln’s war where the ideals of the American Revolution–a compact between the sovereign states–were finally betrayed? Aren’t we reaping the whirlwind of that war today with a Supreme Court who believes it has the power to ignore interstate grievances because none of the justices, even Thomas and Alito, believe in a compact of equals today? Remember. the South was more than willing to leave in peace. And any reasons Lincoln had for fighting the war over the seizure of Federal property, i.e. the proximate cause for the events at Fort Sumter, could have been worked out, again, equitably as gentlemen, rather than through the butchering of 600,000 Americans over four years.” If I recall correctly, the South sent a delegation to Washington to try to do just that, but Mr. Lincoln wasn’t having any of that!
And he asks another interesting question–one I have asked before. “What if all the conservatives mourning the Constitution today thanks to a feckless Supreme Court and treasonous Congress have it all wrong? What if the America they mourn the death of today died in 1865, not 2020?” God questions, especially for those that don’t want to touch them with a ten-foot pole or even admit they exist.
I have seen several other articles dealing with secession in recent weeks–a “peaceful secession” if possible. This is something to be considered for a new year especially since the powers that be, our ruling elites, have decided that no way is Mr. Trump to be allowed to make his case in the courts–or anywhere else they can censor him out of.
I will quote briefly from an article on https://www.armstrongeconomics.com that says: “I have gotten a number of emails asking what can we do? It looks like there will be a 3rd party forming. We need to nurture that because both the Democrats and the Republicans are all about maintaining political control over the people.” He raises an interesting point here. But let me ask a question. Instead of a third party, what about a second country–a confederated states of America? The deep state and its henchmen control the country we have now regardless of Mr. Trumps gallant efforts to reverse that situation. With Harris/Biden in the White House they will work to consolidate that control over our lives–creating, in effect, a new class of slaves–honest patriotic Americans, especially if they are Christians.
That fact alone should give us cause to reconsider the secession option because, whether we like it or not, that question ain’t going away. In light of where we are it needs to be considered.