The Real Republican Party Is The Party Of Abraham Lincoln The Socialist
How quickly we forget our real history, if in fact we were taught any real history. I watched the despicable charade this week as establishment Republicans lined up waiting for their chance to stab Donald Trump in the back. They all got their chance, and they wielded the knife with gleeful abandon. Voters should remember that and if by some chance a new political party should emerge from this horrendous betrayal then those that supported Trump should abandon the Republican Party yesterday if not sooner!
Revised History – The Real Republican Party Is The Party Of Abraham Lincoln The Socialist PDF
How quickly we forget our real history, if in fact we were taught any real history. I watched the despicable charade this week as establishment Republicans lined up waiting for their chance to stab Donald Trump in the back. They all got their chance, and they wielded the knife with gleeful abandon. Voters should remember that and if by some chance a new political party should emerge from this horrendous betrayal then those that supported Trump should abandon the Republican Party yesterday if not sooner!
Rand Paul said that if the Senate agrees to impeach Trump after he has left office then fully one third of those in the Republican Party would bolt the party and go elsewhere. They should do that even if the Senate does not impeach. The Republican Party is not worth their support. It is run by scalawags like Mitch McConnell, whose wife either owns or has connections to a company in Communist China. So, it would seem that, at real levels, McConnell has no problems with communists. To label those Republicans that stabbed Trump in the back as scumbags would, I think, be a step up for them.
We look at the Democratic Party in our day and recognize the taint of radical socialism has taken over that party. However, there was a time when the Democrats were the conservatives, and the Republicans were the radical socialists. Today both parties are radically socialist at the leadership levels. The Republicans try to cover it up, but they are lying to us.
If you look at the foundations of the Republican Party, going back into the 1850s, you find that those foundations lean heavily toward the far left. The Republicans’ first presidential candidate was John C. Fremont, the “pathfinder” and Fremont was a socialist. Donnie Kennedy and I dealt with him and his socialism in our book Lincoln’s Marxists. The second edition of our book is out of print, but the first edition, back in 2007, is still available.
The Republican Party’s second presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln and Mr. Lincoln was also a socialist. Way back in 2006 I did an article for the internet called Mr. Lincoln The Socialist. You can still find it on the Dixie Outfitters website but not too many other places thanks to media and big tech censorship policies. Politically incorrect material is now being either removed or, at best, being shadow banned. Quite a bit of my material has suffered this fate.
I noted in the Lincoln socialist article that Mr. Lincoln had warm words for Robert Owen’s socialist experiment in New Harmony, Indiana. Lincoln was a great admirer of Henry Clay and his “American System.” I noted an article by Thomas DiLorenzo, written back in the late 1990s called Henry Clay–National Socialist. Tom DiLorenzo was right on target about Henry Clay’s socialism. So if Clay was a socialist and Lincoln was a follower and admirer of Clay, what does that tell you about Lincoln? The fact that Lincoln went out of his way to recruit socialist and communist generals for his Union Army shows he had no problem with socialists and communists. And please don’t try to tell me Lincoln didn’t know where these guys were coming from. Lincoln was not stupid–he knew!
And today’s Republicans know too. They have no trouble sitting at the same political table with socialists and communists as long as they can get their slice of the political pie. That’s what the Republican Party is really all about. They are the “loyal opposition” to the Democratic Party. In fact, their agenda is to take us over the same political cliff as the Democrats. They just want to do it a little slower. That’s the only difference between the two parties. The Republicans are just “slow Democrats.” We would do well to remember that. I do hope Mr. Trump has learned that lesson. Maybe it will stand him in good stead down the road if he remains politically active.