Destroying American Western Culture
I realize the scions of the political and theological left have been trying to kill Southern heritage and culture for a long time now, but I have news for them–despite some victories on their part–it ain’t working. Oh, I realize they control the media and most of the educational outlets in the country, but the truth is that people who understand this are just finding ways to get around them. and ignore their diatribes.
Revised History – Destroying American Western Culture PDF
I realize the scions of the political and theological left have been trying to kill Southern heritage and culture for a long time now, but I have news for them–despite some victories on their part–it ain’t working. Oh, I realize they control the media and most of the educational outlets in the country, but the truth is that people who understand this are just finding ways to get around them. and ignore their diatribes.
April is Confederate History Month and there have been lots of Confederate events around the country that what passes for a news media just ignores. We have one right here in North Louisiana that is routinely ignored by the “news” media called Flags Across the Ouachita. Members from several Sons of Confederate Veterans camps in this area gather one Friday afternoon in April at rush hour on the Lea Joyner Bridge across the Ouachita River with their Confederate flags and display them to the rush hour crowd as they pass on by. The response by the rush hour crowd is overwhelmingly positive with people honking their horns, waving, and giving us a thumbs up. They appreciate this display of our (and their) heritage. If response to this event was negative you can bet the “news” media would be on hand to make people aware of that, but since the response is mostly positive, they ignore it.
I recently came into possession of a new book called What The Confederate Flag Means To Me published by Sea Raven Press P O Box 1484 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174-1484. It is an interesting compilation of the thoughts and comments of over 30 different people, not all of them from the South, on what the Confederate flag means to them personally and how they view it in the overall context of American culture.
Two overarching themes come through many of their comments. One is that many folks view the Confederate Battle Flag in a Christian context. The St. Andrews Cross on the battle flag gives it a Christian context for them and Christian meaning for them. I can’t say I disagree. I have some Scottish ancestors as well as a Confederate ancestor and so the St. Andrews Cross is a part of my heritage on both fronts. And I am not ashamed of that–I am thankful for it.
The other theme that is reflected in many of the comments is that the Confederate Flag is recognized as a symbol of resistance to tyranny and “big government.” In today’s context I don’t think that can be argued with. In the main, the people who cannot seem to grasp that are those “useful idiots” that have been spawned and influenced by the leftists in this country.
Years ago, those in the patriotic movement in this country recognized their main adversaries were liberals, socialists, and communists. These are the exact same people who are opposed to the Southern Heritage Movement. That should tell you something. The liberals and socialists are nothing more than “slow communists” who just have not made the full transition over to full-blown Marxism quite yet. But they are working on it whether they even realize it or not.
There is a whole section in the communist “prayer book” on how to combat Southern heritage and the first chapter of that section tells them how to lie about it. Whatever else they have learned they seem to have memorized that first chapter! All they do is lie about us and our heritage and culture. These lies are supposed to shut us up. Mostly they don’t. They make us more determined to promote the truth and expose leftist fables for what they are. The leftists haven’t figured that out yet, but they will someday if given enough time. Our job is to educate ordinary folks and expose leftist lies and liars.