Many of us Knew it All Along
Ex-Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently did an interview and said something many of us knew a long time ago, but no one ever mentioned. She said that Barack Obama is the one pulling the strings in the Biden White House.
Revised History – Many of us Knew it All Along PDF
Ex-Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently did an interview and said something many of us knew a long time ago, but no one ever mentioned. She said that Barack Obama is the one pulling the strings in the Biden White House. I can remember, months ago now, saying that a Biden presidency was nothing more than Obama’s third term. He couldn’t run under his own name, so he got his sock puppet Biden to do it for him while he sat quietly back in the corner working at fundamentally transforming America from a republic into a socialist dictatorship.
Gabbard noted that what was really running this country is the “Obama-Clinton Machine” and she said it has been in power a long time. Trump’s presidency was a major speed bump in their socialist road, but they soon figured out how to deal with that thorny little problem–major election fraud in the 2020 election–the same plan they figure on using in every election going forward from here.
That’s one reason Biden’s (really Obama’s) new Voting Rights Bill is so important. If passed, it will give millions of people who are not citizens the right to vote in our elections.
Years ago, I picked up a book off a used bookshelf entitled Radical in Chief. It was written by Stanley Kurtz and it was a blow-by-blow description of the socialist career of Barack Obama. It was quite a revelation and went into his far-left career in great detail–all the stuff they tried to hide from the public when Obama was in office. Surprising how relevant that book has suddenly become. Check out Amazon and see if you can still get a copy. If you want to understand the Biden (Obama) administration reading this book will be helpful.
Biden is nothing more than an “empty coat”, a mouthpiece for Obama to further his socialist agenda through. If you look at Biden’s career, that’s all he has ever been–a mouthpiece for others with more of a socialist program than he was ever capable of. What a wasted life–being someone else’s mouthpiece for almost five decades. Of course, the pay was good and that’s really all Biden was concerned with–getting his share of the loot!
Years ago, someone described Biden as “Your ultimate insider-outsider, whatever you want.” In other words, if the price was right, Biden has always been for sale. It is no tribute to this country that we have this type of individual as president–gaffes and all. If Biden ever ran across a truthful statement, I doubt if he’d recognize it. He’s the perfect foil for Obama’s third term, which is what we are being forced to live through right now. You see all the crummy stuff Biden is doing? Just remember that Obama is still busily trying to “fundamentally transform” this country. And that’s what it’s really all about.
Tulsi Gabbard was right on the money with her comments about the Obama-Clinton Machine. But then, lots of us knew that before she ever said it. What she really did was to dare to utter the country’s most poorly kept secret.