Adam Schiff Is Full of Himself
Is Adam Schiff in any wise concerned with the real problems folks living in his congressional district in California might have? If so, he hides it well. It would seem that his main goal in life is taking down Donald Trump and proving that Mr. Trump massively colluded with Putin and the Russians to betray his country….
The Copperhead Chronicle – Adam Schiff Is Full of Himself PDF
Is Adam Schiff in any wise concerned with the real problems folks living in his congressional district in California might have? If so, he hides it well. It would seem that his main goal in life is taking down Donald Trump and proving that Mr. Trump massively colluded with Putin and the Russians to betray his country.
All along Schiff loudly proclaimed that there was massive evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia. “There is ample evidence on the issue of collusion” Schiff has said. Really? Well, Adam, where is it? Two congressional committees didn’t find any and the Muller Report does not seem to note any, in fact, for all his problems, Mueller has been forced to admit his committee of Clinton supporters couldn’t find any evidence and you can bet the farm these folks would have dearly loved to have been able to come up with something on Trump. But they couldn’t. So, Adam, as the lady in the hamburger commercial said years ago “Where’s the beef (evidence)? Seems as if you are the only one who has been able to find any and, for some reason, you have not seen fit to share your findings with the rest of the country. All you have done is to insist that the evidence is there. And we are all supposed to believe it because you say so.
The web site www.unfilteredpatriot.com noted of Schiff: “With the dawning of the new year and the new Congress, Rep. Adam Schiff suddenly went from being a poseur with way too much television time to a lawmaker with real power in Washington. This weaselly Democrat has vowed to make the most of his newfound power, promising to swamp President Trump in investigation after investigation.” So he’s not really interested in beng a legislator–what he really wants to be is a Trump killer and that’s where his total effort is being directed. You don’t suppose there is someone in back of Schiff that is pressuring him to move in this direction do you? Other sites have noted the same thing regarding Schiff.
An article by Stephen Ryan on https://clashdaily.com for February 14, 2019 observed of Schiff that: “When it comes to tenacity in pursuit of something rotten between Russia and Trump, Mr. Schiff is today’s version of Captain Ahab. The man is obsessed. Mr. Schiff is not seeking the truth but rather revenge. And it’s not just revenge against the great white whale–President Donald Trump, he’s looking to harpoon the little Orca, the killer whale that bit off his leg–cable tv host Tucker Carlson. For news junkies, the on-air squabble that took place at the onset of ‘RussiaGate’ between Adam Schiff and Tucker Carlson is legendary and is considered one of the great cable TV cage fights of all time. After a few testy exchanges, Adam Schiff wandered out loud if Tucker Carlson was a Russian agent. Big mistake. Terribly offended that Schiff would accuse him on national television that he was a foreign agent, the cable tv host pounced. Tucker Carlson chomped down hard on his throat (where the noise was coming from) and then proceeded to rip him to shreds. Adam Schiff was demolished. Mr. Harvard Law School was humiliated on national TV by the cable guy. Tucker Carlson quickly rose to fame as Adam Schiff stewed and plotted revenge.”
So it seems that Mr. Schiff is a rather vindictive character who operates on the “Don’t get mad–get even” level. Ryan further notes in his article “Adam Schiff is determined to end the freely elected President’s term by any means necessary. This is really awful stuff.”
And it seems, according to https://patriotsnews.com that the man who wants to slay the “great white whale” can hardly be considered to be the Great White Knight. This site told us that: “It appears that there is a skeleton in Rep. Adam Schiff’s closet and it is a big one. It is one that should force him to recuse himself from the investigation into President Donald Trump and Russia. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the investigation because he met with one Russian one time. A lot of the pressure came from Rep. Schiff who said that Sessions had a conflict of interest. But Schiff met with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson last year and has not recused himself, The Hill reported.” So you have to wonder why Sessions had to recuse himself after his meeting and Schiff did not. Shouldn’t Schiff’s meeting with the head of the outfit that provided opposition research for the Clintons for the 2016 election have been sufficient for him to have to recuse himself? It seems that such criteria are only supposed to apply if you are a Republican. It apparently does not apply if you are part of the Clinton campaign. If that’s the case, then anything goes.
Does this imply that Schiff is a hypocrite? Well, not really. Schiff is a cultural Marxist, which means he sincerely believes that the rules that apply to us mere mortals do not in any way apply to him and/or his cultural Marxist associates.
I noted in researching for this that Mr. Schiff is originally from Framingham, Massachusetts and not California, so he is, in a certain sense, a carpetbagger. He has the same last name as Jacob Schiff, one of the big banking moguls of the early 20th century. Is there any direct relationship? None of the sites I came up with seemed to have found one, but one site intimated at it with the statement “it’s in the blood.” They may be right, I don’t know. But if there is a familial relationship there, Adam Schiff is probably doing the same work his possible ancestor did in his day–moving us toward some sort of One World Government. I, somehow, given his place on the political spectrum, don’t think Adam Schiff would have any problem with that.