Ahh, Those Voting Machines
There has been much discussion about the significant amount of outright vote fraud in this recent election. This is way more than just a batch of dead folks who used to vote Republican when they were alive but now vote Democrat after their demise. That sort of thing will always happen, but the vote fraud in this past election was massive compared to the dead voting.
Revised History – Ahh, Those Voting Machines PDF
There has been much discussion about the significant amount of outright vote fraud in this recent election. This is way more than just a batch of dead folks who used to vote Republican when they were alive but now vote Democrat after their demise. That sort of thing will always happen, but the vote fraud in this past election was massive compared to the dead voting.
There was an article on https://www.roundtablereport.com for November 17th by David Knight, one of my favorite commentators. Mr. Knight is a Christian and unapologetically so. He stated: “I’ve been talking about Smartmatic since 2012. If (Sidney) Powell is fed up with it, just imagine how fed up I am with it. Hugo Chavez’s cronies created Smartmatic, they keep buying and selling the companies to change the names, the names change but the players remain the same. How many times do we have to show how corrupt this is?”
On the 11/16 show David Knight noted: “I want to take a look at what I’m calling the CIA election. Sunday morning Sidney Powell said that the CIA may have used Dominion for its own benefit, and Gina Haspel should be fired immediately. Well, yeah, that’s a good idea. It would have been a good idea to never promote her to the head of the CIA in the first place.” That was one giant goof that Mr. Trump made, though now he seems to regret it and has mentioned firing Haspel. He hasn’t yet, but he needs to get it done, yesterday if possible. Haspel is bad news. John Brennan would have loved her!
In an interview with Fox News, Sidney Powell told us: “We’re collecting evidence now from various whistle-blowers that are aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software…And benefits ranging from financial benefits for family members to what I would call election insurance. Because they know they can win the election if they’re using that software. It’s really an insidious, corrupt system and I can’t tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints, even brought by Democrats.”
And David Knight tells us “I can’t tell you how livid I am with the idea that we would have just three companies controlling the election. On the internet, our free speech and ability to search and find things is being controlled more and more by just a few companies. Rudy Giuliani was talking about Smartmatic’s problems with backdoors, how Smartmatic’s software can switch around the vote count while the election is going. We’ve seen this over and over again. Why is this allowed here?
I read one account of how, with some of these voting machines they could take a whole batch of Trump votes off, put them into a file and then delete that file. If Trump “loses” this election it won’t be because he legitimately lost it, it will be because of compromised voting machines and compromised state officials in several states who are part of the deep state that plans to make sure Trump never gets a second term.