And In Nevada–And The FBI–Maybe
In a court victory for Mr. Trump’s legal team a judge in Nevada has agreed to let the Trump legal team present evidence of fraud and other illegalities in Nevada’s election. There is a hearing set for December 3rd that will allow 15 depositions to be presented by Mr. Trump’s legal team.
Revised History – And In Nevada–And The FBI–Maybe PDF
In a court victory for Mr. Trump’s legal team a judge in Nevada has agreed to let the Trump legal team present evidence of fraud and other illegalities in Nevada’s election. There is a hearing set for December 3rd that will allow 15 depositions to be presented by Mr. Trump’s legal team.
According to https://townhall.com “What’s more, the campaign plans to present its evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in Democratic Clark County where Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results. Oddly, there has been a virtual news blackout of the Trump court victory.”
According to the Town Hall article: “But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials as required by law. What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.” It seems that the more we find out about this fraudulent election the worse it gets.
And then there is the FBI, such as it is, under the direction of deep state denizen Christopher Wray. An article on https://www.theepochtimes.com for November 29th says “The FBI has reached out to an election integrity researcher for evidence of potential crimes in the 2020 election, according to the researcher, who is also a former Trump campaign official.” According to the researcher, Matt Braynard, “This data has been used to identify hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots in the states where we filed litigation.” Of course the FBI won’t confirm or deny any of this. The article continues: “The evidence indicates that thousands of voters were disenfranchised as absentee ballots they said they returned weren’t counted. The VIP (Voter Integrity Project) also found that thousands of people voted in states where they likely no longer resided, because they already requested an address change or even registered in another state. Thousands more were registered at postal locations or commercial establishments, while listing information that seemed to serve to disguise the addresses as residential ones, such as by listing APT, UNIT, or STE.”
And Braynard tells us that “The number of questionable ballots surpasses the vote margin in at least three states right now, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin.” He also tells us that “I can give you the list of the people who voted in this election who filed national change-of-address cards in Georgia, moving themselves to another state. And I can also show you the subsequent state voter registrations of these individuals in other states who then cast early or absentee ballots back in Georgia. I can show you the names of the people and the records of them having voted in multiple states and the raw data that the states make available. So this isn’t speculative. This is just what the data shows.”
So, lets see what the FBI does with all of this. I only hope that Mr. Braynard keeps copies of everything he sent to the FBI so that in case they end up “losing” what he sent them he will still have something to work with. With the likes of Comey and Wray at the head of this organization you will appreciate my concern over “lost” material–especially if that material in any way aids the Trump campaign.
I watched, from the Zero Hedge website this morning Rudy Giuliani and his team testifying before the state legislature in Arizona about the voting irregularities in that state. Let us hope that his efforts there are not just disregarded, as he had witnesses testifying as to the problems with the states voting machines.
And the charade we called an election continues.