Are We Being Lied To About the Chinese Virus?

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Revised History – Are We Being Lied To About the Chinese Virus? PDF

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           I’ve read lots of very conflicting statements of late about the uptick in the number of Chinese virus cases in this country. There are those that want to shut the country down all over again and force the population to wear face masks, both at home and outside, forever, or at least until the very last case of this Chinese virus is officially cured. And you can bet all this will not be resolved at least until after the November election. And should Biden manage to, somehow, get the votes to become president, I’d be willing to bet the Chinese virus will no longer be a major problem. This is a slight exaggeration, but you know what I am talking about.

            I guess you could say I am a little doubtful about the huge increase in numbers all of a sudden. In passing, I will note the big number of protests that went on in several states earlier this Spring regarding the blatant exercise of governmental power regarding the lockdowns and how they were being enforced. State governors and other potential tin pot dictators were out there in a mad rush to curtail peoples liberties  and people finally got to the point where they had had enough–and so they protested.

            As they protested, we started having all these BLM protests by the trained Marxists who were out there rampaging and burning cities and that pretty much stopped the legitimate protests by those who were just ordinary folks and not Marxists.

            Recently I talked to a doctor about some of this and, to my surprise, he agreed with me. It sounded like he had done a little homework on his own. He noted how many of these deaths from the Chinese virus were actually deaths from other causes of people who had gotten the virus. It wasn’t the virus that killed them, even though they had it, it was some of the other medical problems they had, yet their deaths were being attributed to the Chinese virus.

            In other words, someone has been padding the numbers. Gee, what a surprise! You don’t suppose someone on the left would do that for political reasons do you? Naw, never happen!

            Just this morning I came across an interesting article on for May 31, 2020 about an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and he had some rather interesting comments to make about Trump’s leading “health” expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci. I have read a few other comments about Dr. Fauci recently that have been, shall we say, less than charitable.  If you can find this site on the internet it is worth checking out. I won’t try to go into it all here, but I will give you one quote: “Also, be sure to check out the following episode of the Health Ranger Report in which Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how globalists like Anthony Fauci are using the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis to test how much tyranny Americans are willing to accept:” I’ve seen Mike Adams’ stuff before and he is usually on target. So if he lists Fauci as a globalist then we should consider that this is what he is.

            Fauci has always tried to give the impression that he is totally apolitical. Yet he has defended the Marxist head of the World Health Organization so that should tell you something right there. Kennedy noted in his interview that Fauci owns “Many, Many” patents on vaccines. This is an area I have not done a lot with, so I can’t verify Kennedy’s claim, but it sure seems as if it would be an area worth looking into.

            This all goes along with my growing suspicion that this sudden new outburst of this Chinese virus is every bit a much, or even more, political than it is medical.