As Durham Rides Off Into The Sunset
How many of you all have, like me, been waiting with bated breath for the release of the Durham Report that would show conclusively that the Obama administration, from the top down, was complicit in trying to deny Trump the presidency? If so, let me pass along a bit of advice. Don’t waste any more time waiting. It ain’t gonna happen, not now, not after the election, not ever.
Revised History – As Durham Rides Off Into The Sunset PDF
How many of you all have, like me, been waiting with bated breath for the release of the Durham Report that would show conclusively that the Obama administration, from the top down, was complicit in trying to deny Trump the presidency? If so, let me pass along a bit of advice. Don’t waste any more time waiting. It ain’t gonna happen, not now, not after the election, not ever.
All their investigation pointed out one little, low-level culprit, this guy Klinesmith, that will probably get a slap on the wrist for falsifying a document and that’s going to be all she wrote.
The Justice Department is still under the control of the deep state and they are not about to prosecute their own Trump doesn’t like it. Lots of us don’t like it. However, that’s the way it really is and so our two-tiered system of justice, Trump notwithstanding, is going to continue.
Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and all the deep state swamp creatures that tried to take Trump down are going to walk, are never going to spend day one in the slammer. And that’s reality, folks, whether we like it or not. All the documents pertaining to this will be declassified and will show conclusively that this miserable crowd was guilty of all the things we thought they were–and nothing will be done about it.
Justice for the deep state and the Justice Department will be about protecting their own. If you or I did this stuff we’d be in the slammer for 99 years, if we ever got out. But for them there is no real penalty. They will get to walk because they are just too big and important to ever have to pay the penalty you or I would have to pay. So they have this big, gold-plated “Get out of jail forever” card that is denied to mere mortals who are not fortunate enough to be part of the deep state.
And I doubt that Trump can do much about any of this, especially with some of the people he has left in office. He is only now beginning to grasp the fact that half (or more) of those who head his departments are opposed to him. He needs to get rid of this guy, Wray, that heads up the FBI. Wray is nothing more than James Comey Lite. He will do nothing to clean up the FBI other than talk and his position on “white extremism.” You notice he does not seem to have a major problem with black extremism. Black extremists and outfits like Antifa are useful to some in the deep state apparatus and so they mostly get left alone. When these people raise hell in big cities the politicians therein make the police stand down. Who tells them to do that? If you think that the pressure from above and pressure from below that I have so often written about is not part of the deep state agenda then you are dreaming.
Another one Trump ought to dispense with is this dragon lady that is now running the CIA. She doesn’t want anything declassified. She knows what’s in those documents, but she doesn’t want you to know because what’s in them will expose her good deep state buddies and you don’t need to know all that.
But I don’t think any of this is going to happen. I would dearly love to be wrong. But I think that Durham, Horowitz, and any and all of those who have done this investigative work are all just going to quietly ride off into the sunset and we are supposed to forget all we have heard about what they are supposed to have found. These people are above the law and will never, in this life, pay for what they have done either to Trump or the rest of us. They will have to stand before God someday to answer for their many sins against the country and I expect we will have to be satisfied with that because I don’t believe there will be any real justice for them in this life.
We will have to again get used to the idea of a double standard of “justice” in this country because, barring a major spiritual revival, nothing is really going to change, and if Trump manages to have the next election stolen from him then this country will suffer a major collapse into some form of communist collectivism. The deep state is at work on that agenda as I write this.