The Socialist Republican Party Ain’t Your Friend, Folks
Many of us have been beguiled over the years into believing the outright lie that the “conservative” Republicans were out there protecting us from the liberal Democrats so we should all vote for them so they can keep on “protecting” us from those raving liberals. To say that such regurgitated hogwash is bovine fertilizer would be to give it credit it does not deserve. That’s how bad it is!
Revised History – The Socialist Republican Party Ain’t Your Friend, Folks PDF
Many of us have been beguiled over the years into believing the outright lie that the “conservative” Republicans were out there protecting us from the liberal Democrats so we should all vote for them so they can keep on “protecting” us from those raving liberals. To say that such regurgitated hogwash is bovine fertilizer would be to give it credit it does not deserve. That’s how bad it is!
With some exceptions the Republicans are every bit as bad as the Democrats. But they dare not admit that lest it cost them votes in the next election. So they keep parroting the lie of Republican “conservatism.” A friend just sent me some of his comments on recent events and he made a good observation. He said:” When the Republicans get in office they seldom totally clean out the Democrat appointees and their hires. Big mistake. Many of the really rotten ones were Bush era…The Bush people sabotaged Trump and are really partners with the Democrats.” He is right on target here, except the keeping by Republicans of Democratic holdovers is not a big mistake–it is intentional, because the Republicans and Democrats all work for the same people.
And anyone who tells you the Republicans will fight against socialism for you is whistling Yankee Doodle. Researcher Arthur R. Thompson, in his informative book In the Shadows of the Deep State gives us a little history I’m willing to bet will never show up in your high school history book. I have found some of the same stuff when I did research for Donnie Kennedy’s and my book Lincoln’s Marxists.
Mr. Thompson tells us: “The vast majority of Americans are not aware, for instance, that Karl Marx wrote for the New York Tribune for eleven years prior to and including the first year of the American Civil War. The Tribune at the time was the largest Sunday circulation newspaper in the United States. Marx was not the only European communist that wrote for the Tribune, and many on its editorial staff, as well as its publisher, Horace Greeley, were part of the communist network in America at that time. Horace Greeley was very active in forming an organization that established nearly 50 communist communes across America at the time. Greeley, along with two other prominent political figures, including one in the Senate, joined the First International shortly after it was formed. It was the communist/socialist organization that helped to build the circulation of the Tribune. The Tribune’s staff in turn played a major role in the establishment of the Republican Party in 1854 in the person of Alvan Bovay (after a planning meeting with Greeley about building a new party). Bovay worked for the Tribune for a time. The party was formed primarily out of the commune leadership that existed in Ripon, Wisconsin. This commune, known as Ceresco, was part of the Greeley organization…It was the socialist apparatus that propelled the rapid growth of the Republican Party to the extent that the Whigs faded away and finally politicians such as Lincoln joined the GOP in opposition to the Democrats months and years after it was founded…The Swamp is much older than people realize and one has to look back to see its origins and how it gained control, particularly over history.”
That, folks, gives you a brief introduction to the foundations of the “conservative” Republican Party, which really works hand in glove with the liberal (socialist) Democratic Party. Do you begin to grasp now why nothing ever changes in Washington? And why the Republicans, many of them closet socialists, stabbed Trump in the back? Are you beginning to connect the dots yet?
I hear people now howling about why we really need our two-party system to be strengthened. More hogwash, drivel, whatever you want to call it. We have not had a two-party system in this country for over a century now and the supposedly conservative Republican Party was actually founded by socialists, not conservatives.
Anyone looking for “conservative” help from the Republicans may well get stabbed with the same knife they used on Trump! When Donnie Kennedy and I first got our book published the title of the first edition was Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists. Are you beginning to get a slight glimmer as to why we called it that?