The Problems With Immigration
Back in 1986 I read a book by Sol Sanders called Mexico: Chaos on Our Doorstep. It went into many of the problems this country has had with Mexico over the decades. There was one particular chapter that dealt with the immigration problems with Mexico, chapter 7, entitled Mexicans for Export. This dealt with population problems in Mexico and why so many Mexicans end up in this country, although the problem back then pales into insignificance compared to what we deal with today on our Southern border.
Revised History – The Problems With Immigration PDF
Back in 1986 I read a book by Sol Sanders called Mexico: Chaos on Our Doorstep. It went into many of the problems this country has had with Mexico over the decades. There was one particular chapter that dealt with the immigration problems with Mexico, chapter 7, entitled Mexicans for Export. This dealt with population problems in Mexico and why so many Mexicans end up in this country, although the problem back then pales into insignificance compared to what we deal with today on our Southern border.
Also, back in that day, we did not have politicians inviting illegal immigrants to come on into the country so the radical leftists could enlist them to vote in our elections whether they were citizens or not. After all, every vote counts don’t you know–whether it is legal or not. And whether the “voter” brings the Chinese virus into the country with him or not.
An article by Samuel Allegri on https://www.theepochtimes.com for March 17th tells us: “As concerns over the surge of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border grows, the National Sheriffs Association is calling on the Biden administration to secure the border and protect Americans.” I realize the Sheriffs Association has to be on record as having done this, but in light of the Harris/Biden position on illegal immigration, they must realize that this is a totally ludicrous exercise in futility.
The article continues: “Among the dangers that come along with the thousands of illegal border crossings that occur every month, which include human trafficking, drug smuggling, potential terrorism, death at the hands of coyotes, bandits, and harsh weather, significantly complicating the challenges border patrol and law enforcement face is the COVID-19 pandemic, the association said in a draft border security resolution set for a vote at a meeting in Arizona in June, according to The Washington Examiner. Up to 50 percent of illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID-19, the disease the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) causes, the sheriffs association wrote.” Wonder if the Harris/Biden Regime makes the illegals wear masks and practice social distancing or if that is only for us American plebs. The sheriff’s association said: “We now face a serious potential public health crisis along the border.” Yet Biden’s initial invitation to the illegals to come to the border is what has resonated among the illegal community–although lately Biden (or his handlers) have been forced to backpedal and ask them not to come. But that’s sort of like locking the barn door after the horse escapes.
An article on https://www.westernjournal.com for March 16th said “The Biden administration’s catastrophic open-borders policy has been a boon for predatory human smugglers and a scourge for struggling Americans who live in border states. Emily Lord King is a rancher in South Texas who said smugglers are crashing the fences on her property and using her land as a dumping ground for illegal aliens. She told Fox News host Harris Faulkner Monday that her ranch is under siege by migrants who are being dropped off by smugglers while Border Patrol officials are woefully unprepared to deal with the daily barrage…King said the situation on her ranch has ‘changed overnight’ ever since Biden was installed in the White House two months ago.”
King said: “During the tenure of former President Donald Trump, she had one incident of migrants barraging her land. Now, her ranch is besieged on a weekly basis by caravans of illegal aliens being dumped there by human smugglers.” She said, “We had one incident in the last four years, and we’ve had one a week since the middle of January.”
“King echoed the experiences of other ranchers and residents in border states. the situation has gotten exponentially worse because Biden halted construction of the border wall New Mexico rancher Russell Johnson said he and his family are terrified because there’s a three-quarters-of-a-mile hole in his ranch where wall construction was abruptly stopped. ‘this gap is right south of my house, so all of this stuff is coming right by my house and my family is exposed to it on a daily basis.’ Johnson said he has been forced to patrol his property with a gun to protect his family because illegal aliens are ‘terrorizing our ranch in between in the three-mile stretch’.”
Johnson better be careful. It might soon be illegal for him to protect his own property with a firearm. Look what happened to the McCloskey’s in St. Louis last year. It is no secret that the Harris/Biden Regime wants to disarm Americans so they can no longer protect their own property or their families. It is one of their prime goals just like the destruction of Trump’s wall and border security is.
The goal of the current Regime is to tear this country down and replace it with a leftist nightmare that no sane person would want to live in–except those in power–the same as in all Communist countries. It’s about time we as a nation woke up and figured this out. Once you have voted your way into communism there is no peaceful way out.