More Apostasy Funded by George Soros
Today I received a newsletter from an evangelical organization which contained the following: “Faithful America bills itself as a Christian organization, but the pro-LGBT organization got its start as an offshoot of the far-Left National Council of Churches. Two groups funded by atheist George Soros have served as” fiscal sponsors’ of FA, funneling money to the activist group.” Many evangelical groups are not this frank and open, so this was a bit refreshing.
Revised History – More Apostasy Funded by George Soros PDF
Today I received a newsletter from an evangelical organization which contained the following: “Faithful America bills itself as a Christian organization, but the pro-LGBT organization got its start as an offshoot of the far-Left National Council of Churches. Two groups funded by atheist George Soros have served as” fiscal sponsors’ of FA, funneling money to the activist group.” Many evangelical groups are not this frank and open, so this was a bit refreshing.
I can remember, years ago now, the John Birch Society published an informative booklet called Apostasy and the National Council of Churches. It went into a great deal of information as to many in the NCC that were in bed with the Communists and who were actual Communists themselves.
With that in mind, I decided to check out Faithful America to see what leftist goodies it offered the party faithful as well as the gullible. I was not disappointed.
I came across some far-left tidbits on https://www.idealist.org which tells us that “Faithful America is the nation’s largest online community of progressive Christians working to fight back against the religious right’s hateful political agenda and renew the church’s prophetic role in building a more free and just society.” You have to read through and discern the Aesopian language to know what this means and not be fooled by the “lovey-dovey” rhetoric. What they are telling you with the word “progressive” is that real Christianity is their enemy. and anyone to the right of Lenin is to be attacked without letup. For them this is not just a minor difference of opinion–it is a war and the true followers of Christ have targets painted on their backs.
The idealist article continues: “In this moment of political and theological crisis for American Christianity, there is an opportunity to mobilize the Faithful America community as a powerful tool in confronting emergent threats to the church’s prophetic vocation, especially white nationalism and misogyny.” Did you get that? The real enemy of the church is not over on the left–it’s white extremism! Sounds like the line the Harris/Biden Regime has been peddling doesn’t it? That alone should tell you where “Faithful America” is really at.
I came across another article of interest on https://thewillcountynews.com which listed a ton of groups that have been funded by George Soros. This list originally came from Discover the Networks and sure enough, way down on the list, #74 to be exact, was Faithful America. Now anyone who is even remotely aware of where George Soros is coming from has to realize that, if globalist George Soros funds something it ain’t Christian!
Yet another article, posted 1/3/21 on https://www1.cbn.com notes that those who have problems with Faithful America say it uses faith “as a cover to silence conservatives.” From what I have seen of it so far, I don’t doubt that in the least. This article continues: “Scott Walter, the head of Influence Watch which tracks the activity and funding of groups like Faithful America, describes them as ‘Just another half-fake, left-wing nest of operatives. They get taken much more seriously than they deserve’.”
You have to wonder how many gullible Christians such groups deceive because they responded to the rhetoric without doing any homework. And the left dearly loves to gull unsuspecting Christians into supporting leftist agendas. They laugh all the way to the bank while Christians contribute to those that are trying to destroy their faith. This is Holy Week–a good time for Christians to begin to learn to discern who they should support and who they should expose as anti-Christs.