Black Lives Matter and Communists and Spiritualists
I have been following the leftist Black Lives Matter movement recently and have noted how many universities, churches, and public schools seem to have embraced it.
Revised History – Black Lives Matter and Communists and Spiritualists PDF
I have been following the leftist Black Lives Matter movement recently and have noted how many universities, churches, and public schools seem to have embraced it. All I can say about this is that the leadership in these groups is either hopelessly naive or they are in sympathy with the leftist agenda promoted by BLM. I have my own opinion on this but readers will have to form their own opinions.
The publisher of our conservative weekly paper here The Ouachita Citizen noted this situation in regard to a university right here in Louisiana in the September 17th issue of the paper and he wondered if the university was aware that it was supporting a group with Marxist principles. My guess would be they are and that’s okay with them.
In a recent issue of the New American Magazine writer James Murphy noted that “If you needed anymore evidence that Black Lives Matter is, at its heart, a Marxist sub-group intent on overthrowing capitalism and the American way of life, consider the following. The advocacy group Black Futures Lab, which lists BLM founder Alicia Garza as its principal, is ‘fiscally supported’ by the pro-Communist Chinese group Chinese Progressive Association (CPA). Garza–who was described by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors as a ‘trained Marxist’ who is ‘super-versed on…ideological theories–helped to create the Black Futures Lab in 2018…Among the stunts CPA has pulled over the years was to hoist a Chinese Communist flag on Boston’s City Plaza last September to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Communist takeover of China.”
Lest you think that Black Lives Matter is just a political movement, there was also an article on https://www.crisismagazine.com for September 8th of this year by Dan Burke called The Occult Spirituality of Black Lives Matter. This seems to be a Catholic publication, but the author is right on target on this issue.
He quotes Patrisse Cullors where she says: “In my tradition you offer things that your loved ones who have passed away would want. Whether its like honey or tobacco…things like that…It is important that we be in direct relationship with the dead. Hashtags for us are way more than a hashtag. It is literally almost resurrecting spirits that are going to work through us to get the work done.” And Burke observes that Melina Abdullah concurs “What happens as we invoke those names is the invocation of their names that goes beyond remembering them. We call out our ancestors, we call them out for specific purposes.”
Another commentator familiar with this said “Christians, how much evidence do you need? It’s right in front of you. She told you that every time the hashtag is shared it is not just a hashtag. There are spirits of the dead that we are invoking. Every time they mention the name ‘Say his name–George Floyd’–that is a seance. That is calling forth the dead spirit to invoke chaos on the nation..Everything we have seen go on, buildings burning, all of that, there are witches laughing…They are laughing at how complicit the Church has been.”
I have to agree with his assessment here. Churches have been complicit, probably because they don’t know the real truth about Black Lives Matter, but possibly because some of them do and they are willing to support Marxist subversives over the objections of their congregations. Churches supporting communism would not be a new situation. I’ve seen churches supporting Marxism for over 50 years and it no doubt went on long before that.
As for colleges and universities supporting Marxism, that, too, has been going on since before I was alive. The absolute last people that seem to figure this out are the parents who subject their kids to that Marxist indoctrination and pay the big bucks so their kid’s loyalties can be tampered with. They never seem to get it–even when you explain it to them.
And then there are the public schools whose foundations are Unitarian and socialist. The parents with kids in them don’t seem to get it either, at least not most of the ones I have talked to. So what do you do? You keep on throwing the truth at the wall of ignorance and praying that the Lord will let some of it stick.
The truth about Black Lives Matter is out there for those willing to look.