Checking Out Who To Vote For (and Against)

Recently someone suggested to me that I should tell folks how to check out political candidates to see if they were either worth voting for or should be opposed and voted against. So, although there is no specific scientific method to what I do, here it is. It is something I have learned over the years.

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            Recently someone suggested to me that I should tell folks how to check out political candidates to see if they were either worth voting for or should be opposed and voted against. So, although there is no specific scientific method to what I do, here it is. It is something I have learned over the years.

            If someone sends me the name of a particular candidate they have a concern about I will check out the name on a search engine. I usually use the Duck Duck Go search engine as opposed to Google because Duck Duck Go claims they do not track what you look up and I know Google does.

            Looking up the name I can usually get some general information about the candidate, such as what organizations he or she has been involved with or in. Then I will generally try to check out those organizations and, if possible, find out who else is involved with them. This is not complicated. All this stuff is out there on the internet.  All it takes is a little searching, or as my daughter says “huntin’ and peckin’.

            Generally, most political candidates coming from the left will have at least brief summaries of what they belong to and what they have done. They won’t list the groups they belong to as being on the left. They will coat that with some pretty euphemism about these groups being concerned about poverty or the homeless or some other such drivel. After a while you get to where you learn to recognize groups that really have an altruistic concern as opposed to those leftist groups that are out their to exploit grievances and cause trouble. It takes a little discernment, but you can learn. I always tell people that, if I can do it then anyone can.

            The leftists almost never get involved with groups that are really trying to help people because, in truth, they have no interest in helping people. They are there to agitate and cause upheaval and revolution.

            Finding out what organizations a political candidate is involved with will, in most cases, tell you where they are really coming from. And where you can, try to find the names of others that belong to these organizations also. The communists have been famous for setting up front groups with noble-sounding names to get  people who sincerely have concerns in some areas into these groups, but such groups are usually run by communists and they are using people who get into such groups as a front to promote communist activity.

            Soviet Russia used to do lots of this kind of thing, as did the Communist Party in this country. Now we need to start paying attention to what the Chinese Communists are doing–besides exporting their viruses to us.

            So, if you are checking out political candidates start looking them up on the internet. Check out what groups they have identified with and who their friends are and what groups they are part of or support. With a little digging you can come up with lots of info on candidates and their associates that will, in many cases, give you some idea of whether a particular candidate is worth voting for–or voting and speaking out against.