Churches Shut Down by Tinpot Dictators with Inflated Egos and Small Minds

It’s interesting to see how many states during this Chinese virus pandemic are more than willing to tout and promote abortion clinics as “essential businesses” to be kept open while making sure churches are shuttered as “non-essential.”

Revised History – Churches Shut Down by Tinpot Dictators with Inflated Egos and Small Minds PDF

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             It’s interesting to see how many states during this Chinese virus pandemic are more than willing to tout and promote abortion clinics as “essential businesses” to be kept open while making sure churches are shuttered as “non-essential.”

            This seems to be the pattern in the socialist “blue” states, mostly in the North. States like Michigan, Illinois, and California are notorious for this. In my opinion the officials in these states that want churches closed are anti-Christ, whether they even realize it or not, (and many do).

            This Chinese virus has given them and excuse to do what many of them have longed to do–suppress the Christian faith. They now have an excuse to promote their anti-Christian bias and they will keep our churches closed as long as they dare.

            Churches should not let them get away with this. They should safely meet for worship and expose the anti-Christian bias of many of their state and city officials. The right of Christian churches to meet for worship is a God-given right, protected by the First Amendment. They should not willingly ignore this right, lest they end up losing it.

            The Gospel of Jesus Christ is essential for the spiritual health of this nation and the suppression of the right to proclaim that Gospel will bode ill for the spiritual health of this nation. Better we should keep the churches open and shutter the abortion clinics. Churches are essential. Abortion isn’t.

            Those who want to close churches are small minded people with inflated egos.  They really want to play god and tell us what we can and cannot do. They have the same mindset as the Chinese Communists. We dare not let them get away with this suppression of our God-given liberties.

            Acts 5:29 says “We ought to obey God rather than men.”