Civil War in America–Brought to you by Communists and their friends
Anti-Communist columnist Trevor Loudon was recently interviewed (5/31/20) and he stated, in regard to the domestic unrest in this country that “This is way bigger than Antifa.
Revised History – Civil War in America–Brought to you by Communists and their friends PDF
Anti-Communist columnist Trevor Loudon was recently interviewed (5/31/20) and he stated, in regard to the domestic unrest in this country that “This is way bigger than Antifa. These are the shock troops, but there are 20 or more communist groups operating freely in the United States who engage in what they refer to as ‘anti-fascist’ military action.”
All these communist groups operating in this country and nobody has bothered them? Seems like our Justice Department and intelligence services have all been asleep. Oh, sorry, I forgot, these are all leftist groups, so they get a pass to do whatever they want. Trump is beginning to wake up to some of this, but he has a long way to go yet.
A website called https://liberalsarenuts.com noted that: “On Sunday, the Epoch Times published an article by Loudon titled Cities Burn, But None Dare Call It Communist Insurrection where the expert on subversive organizations detailed several communist organizations calling on their comrades to exploit the death of George Floyd by taking it to the streets. Many of these groups are not shy about calling for violence, justifying it as a natural response to ‘police brutality’ and ‘white supremacy’.”
Loudon observed that President Trump took a very decisive step in calling out Antifa, but the article also noted that “Antifa is an umbrella group that has largely enjoyed anonymity because they are part of a larger collective of violent leftists, including those in the communist–created Black Lives Matter movement. This is way bigger than Antifa.”
Another article on https://therevolutionaryact.com for 6/1/20 by Rod Thomson also told us “Antifa has been identified as the primary driver of the violent riots engulfing American cities. But there is a critical second arm of this unholy alliance that has been around longer and has deep roots, along with possible foreign connections. Communism. It shouldn’t be shocking. Communists domestic and foreign have been trying to destroy and undermine America for many generations. And we’ve seen a disturbing rise in American public support for Socialism and Communism. That support translates into resources and manpower on the ground and it is being put to use. And yet the Communist element in the riots is getting virtually no media coverage.”
Do you wonder why? Well, it’s because the media is mostly on the side of the communists. That should not be a big surprise. And if you wonder why the support for socialism and communism has been increasing look no further than your public schools and your colleges. Awhile back author William Lind referred to our colleges and universities as “little ivy-covered North Koreas.” Mr. Lind was right on the money and had he included many of our public schools from K-12 in that he still would have been right on the money.
Mr. Thomson’s article mentioned several neo-Marxist groups that have played a large part in the new civil war in America–The Democratic Socialists of America, the Workers World Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the Revolutionary Communist Party, a Maoist organization.
All those mentioned in this brief article have been working to promote and encourage civil war in America. You have them, and their friends in the “news” media to thank for the emerging civil war in this country.
And the question you then need to ask is Who is paying for all this mayhem and those “peaceful protesters” (really communists) in our streets? Communist organizations are not noted as being big fundraisers so someone behind the scenes has to be footing the bill for our emerging civil war. George Soros is one major player there but there have to be others. George Soros is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, this country’s premier organization for promoting One World Government, so communist civil war in America fits their agenda to a T!
Christians need to be aware of all this because, at root, this is not a political issue–it is a theological one. It all comes down to which god you are willing to serve–the God of the Bible or the “god” of this world system.