Communism is Evil. So Are Those That Promote It.

           I grew up during the Cold War years, watched a little of Joe McCarthy and others on the news but as a teenager I didn’t take it all to seriously. I had the vague feeling that Communism was bad but didn’t know much about it beyond that.

            My “Damascus Road” regarding Communism, if you want to call it that, did not come until I was 30 years old and on my honeymoon. My new bride and I had just gotten back from a couple weeks of camping and we went to a Bible study at our church one morning.

            During the study the Pastor handed out a book by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand called Tortured for Christ. It was the story of a Lutheran pastor in Communist Romania who had spent 14 years in a Communist prison there. His crime? He would not renounce his Christian faith, nor would he kowtow to the Marxist government there in regard to it.

            Reading that book gave me the shock of my life. The things the Communist government forced Christians to do to humiliate and degrade them forced me to conclude, as I read the book, that if Communism had to do such to people only because they were Christians then Communism had to be a totally, evil and depraved form of virulent anti-Christianity. That was over 50 years ago now and in all those years I have never seen anything having to do with communism that has changed my mind. It is still the same anti-Christ system it has ever been since Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto for the Illuminati back in 1848.

            Reading Rev. Wurmbrand’s book literally changed my life. It bothered me so much that I had trouble sleeping at night. The idea of persecuting Christians just for being Christians blew my mind. At that point I did not realize that this sort of thing went on–still goes on in many places in the world–and it even gaining traction in this country as I write this. Yes, there are people in this country and our day and age that want to persecute the church if it will not bow the knee to the Deep State, the New World Order.

            Eventually, I got over my shock at all this and asked the Lord what He felt I should do about it, for I had to do something. In His good time, He showed me and I have sought to do that ever since. He put more books in front of me and led me to people that could teach me what I needed to know about communism and those that protect and promote it and He taught me how to expose it as the corrupt and evil system it is. I have sought to work at this, as the Lord increased my knowledge, for the rest of my life.

            Some things in life had to change. Many, if not most of my hobbies and recreation had to go or be drastically reduced from what they had been. The Lord didn’t take it all away, because everyone needs some recreation, but He took lots of it away because I needed that time to work at the calling, He had given me.

            At the end of this month it will be 51 years since all this happened and if I had to do it all over again, I would still do the same thing, only hopefully, maybe a little bit smarter.

            As I went along, I learned that, as evil and pernicious system as communism was, even more evil and anti-Christ were the people that promoted and financed it. I am not able to go into this here in great depth, but I will mention a book I have noted before that will give you much information about all this.

It is one published by Western Islands and written by Arthur R. Thompson called In the Shadows of the Deep State. This will give you good background on those people that supported and promoted communism for their own evil ends and to promote One World Government–something else that is anti-Christ. Believe me it is worth the read.