“Communist Insurrection”

The title of the Epoch Times video was right on the money. It stated, “Cities Burn but none dare call it Communist Insurrection.” That really says it all about what has been going on in cities across this country in the last few days—

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            The title of the Epoch Times video was right on the money. It stated, “Cities Burn but none dare call it Communist Insurrection.” That really says it all about what has been going on in cities across this country in the last few days—Communist Insurrection.

            An article on InfoWars.com a day or so ago noted: “The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapter of Broward County, Florida is organizing anti-police protest activity in Florida in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in police custody and also convened a direct action training session Wednesday on ‘how to manage a protest’.”

            The Washington Times for 5/30 carried an article that said: “The Trump Administration blamed on Saturday far-left groups using Antifa tactics for fomenting the violent protests upending Minneapolis and other major cities, even as Minnesota Democrats say they are looking at  white supremacists and far=right extremists.” I would expect nothing else from Minnesota Democrats other than seeking to pin the blame for all this mess on the “far right.” This is so typical of the cultural Marxist crowd–blame your opposition for what you yourself have been doing! Most of those on the “far right” do not employ “Antifa-like” tactics. The Leftists do that. It’s their stock in trade.

            One Minnesota politician, a Democrat and former congressman, warned about “evil rioters seeking to sully the image of social justice demonstrators.” In case most folks don’t realize it, the “social justice” demonstrators are all over there on the far left of the political spectrum.

            An article on Zero Hedge for today noted that “law enforcement officials have reported finding huge piles of rocks and bricks pre-staged at  protest locations in advance, and scouts have often been used to direct rioters to locations where police are not present. In addition, something we have been hearing over and over again is that many of the people that are involved in the violence are not known by any of the locals.” The article noted “This isn’t just a few angry protests smashing a few windows. This is organized crime at a very high level and these people know exactly what they are doing.”

            If you have followed this sort of thing for years as I and others have, you realize this operation smacks of all the hallmarks used by the hard Left. This is their modus operandi. And they operate this way to a tee while Democrats and other useful idiots try to pin the blame on “right-wing extremists.” This sort of thing has gone on at least since the 1960s–a new set of leftist players, but the same game.

            Art Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society, has noted that “…there is no such thing as a spontaneous, large scale riot like we are seeing today. These riots have been planned and are a way to get people into the streets to manipulate them into violence making it appear as if it was a revolution.” Thompson continues: “The destruction of these cities increases the opportunity for them to get involved in government programs rather than the free enterprise system…Once the local police lose the support of the citizens,  the movement begins to have a national presence over our local police. Local citizens would then no longer have jurisdiction over their local police as they would be governed by a national police agency.” In other words, the same police situation they now have in Communist China!

            Do you begin to have some idea of where all this is going? It is just another version of the same old pressure from above and pressure from below that I have written about in the past. As you watch the Leftists operate their schemes you begin to realize that the more things change the more they stay the same.