Critical Race Theory
Here is a Marxist doctrine you need to be aware of.
Revised History – Critical Race Theory PDF
I recently read that Donald Trump has banned the use of something called Critical Race Theory by federal entities, particularly public schools, which are, contrary to what many think, federal entities. If they were not federal entities, we would not have a federal Department of Education at the cabinet level. But we do, so they are federal entities whether we care to admit that or not.
A site called https://www.gotquestions.org talks about Critical Race Theory. It says, in part, “In short, critical race theory presupposes that everything about American society is thoroughly racist, and minority groups will never be equal until American society is completely reformed. This position is extremely controversial, even in secular circles. Critical race theory is often posed as a solution to white supremacy or white nationalism. Yet, in practice, it essentially does nothing than inverting the oppressed and oppressor groups.”
In other words, instead of “white racism” we would end up with black racism. But for the people that promote this hogwash that would be okay. If you think this sounds like something straight out of the Marxist playbook you are right on target.
The article also noted that “From a political standpoint, critical race theory closely aligns with concepts such as communism, Marxism, nationalism, progressivism…and the modern version of social justice. Strictly speaking, the Bible neither commands nor forbids Christians regarding specific political parties or philosophies. However, believers are obligated to reject any aspect of a philosophy that conflicts with biblical ideals. Critical race theory is deeply rooted in worldviews that are entirely incompatible with the Bible.” In other words, critical race theory is unbiblical, or anti-biblical.
As for its use in public schools, I also read an article on https://mpmacting.com/blog by Michael McCaffrey. I am not sure of the date on this as it did not turn up on my printout of the article, but it can’t be too old. Mr. McCaffrey noted, in part, “This summer, I got an unpleasant initiation into the culture war when, in the wake of the George Floyd killing, my five-year-old child’s elementary-middle public charter school here in Los Angeles went from being an academic institution interested in preparing students for the workplace and college to an ideological hotbed devoted to promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) over all other subjects…A shameless example of CRT indoctrination in action is that the very first lesson to my child’s kindergarten class this autumn was “how to be an activist.” Five-year-olds do not need to be taught this socialist drivel, nor kids at any age for that matter. They need to be taught, when they are old enough to understand, the truth about Marxist and socialist propaganda, but don’t hold your breath waiting for public schools to do that. Most Christian schools don’t even attempt that. But at least with Christian schools you won’t get critical race theory shoved down the kid’s throats–unless the school is Christian in name only. And if that’ s the case your kids need to be somewhere else.
President Trump has banned this for use in public schools. It will be interesting to see how quickly those public schools that are now using it will get rid of it. My guess is they will drag their feet as long as they can. Trumps “education secretary” should be on top of getting this out of public schools. Again, I’m not holding my breath! I am afraid she is learning how to be another Washington bureaucrat.
The public schools have had and will continue to have major problems of education vs. indoctrination–with the emphasis on indoctrination. As such, Christians need to avoid them like the plague and other patriotic Americans should also. Their foundations are extremely shaky and leftist, and they should be avoided by those that care about their children.