Erasers And Defacers
In ancient times it was a hallmark of those that won battles against their opponents that, when they had conquered them, they either defaced or tried to totally erase the history of those they conquered. They then replaced what they had erased with their version of “history.”
Revised History – Erasers And Defacers PDF
In ancient times it was a hallmark of those that won battles against their opponents that, when they had conquered them, they either defaced or tried to totally erase the history of those they conquered. They then replaced what they had erased with their version of “history.”
This is exactly what we see happening in this country today.
We are now beset by a coterie of leftist radicals that seeks to destroy our history and heritage in order to replace them with their own version of our history. And their version of our history is a Marxist one. Much of what they are trying to do to this country goes back to the French Revolution.
In his book Death of the Church Victorious Ovid E. Need Jr. commented on the French Revolution. He said: “The French Revolution was more than simply a revolution against a constitutional monarchy. It was open warfare against Christian culture, and could be defined as the modern revolution and triumph of humanism and humanistic law over Christianity and Christian law…The ‘Rights of Man’ were exalted above everything, and multitudes of innocent people died in the name of ‘the People’; equality was equated with liberty; ‘spontaneous,’ nation-wide demonstrations sprung forth at key times in key places to further the Revolution’s goals, viz., to destroy Christianity; propaganda was used to change social ideas, i.e., words were seen as weapons of warfare, so truth was of no concern; innumerable pamphlets and journalists mysteriously appeared, speaking in a united voice to mold public opinion, and truth was unknown from fiction;…”
Does any of this have a familiar ring to it today. Don’t all answer at once now.
It sounds an awful lot like some of the radical leftist agenda that we are forced to put up with in our day. Demonstrations and destruction in many of our cities, with the politicians and the police just standing aside while the demonstrators wreak havoc on ordinary people and those that try to defend themselves are labeled as racists for trying to protect their own property. And we have a “news” media and journalists–so called, that frankly are on the same side as the leftists.
Most of our “journalists” are not really journalists–they are co-conspirators with the radical leftists. The same holds true for many of our political figures–in both parties–and all of this is funded by certain seemingly mysterious figures with big bucks who are out to bring our system down. George Soros is part of this, but he is not alone by any means.
The radical left and their sponsors seem to feel that this is a time in our history for them to strike while the iron is hot. They have dogged Trump with false allegations and lies for his entire presidency and if they can manage to do it they will steal the 2020 election and not bat an eye doing it. And if they manage to take power in this country their efforts will make Mao’s Cultural Revolution look like a Sunday walk in the park.
I often wonder, as I look at where we are at, where is much of the Christian Church in all of this. We are supposed to be promoting a Christian culture and worldview. Have we? How many Christians have just been “sitting it out” hoping a false “rapture” will save them from this mess so they won’t ever have to get involved and do anything constructive in this world? And where has this neutralizing “rapture” concept come from? Mind you, I am not doubting the Lord’s Second Coming, but that and this rapture theory ain’t the same animal.
What I am afraid of is that many Christians who have become accustomed to planning on a secret, imminent “rapture” to get them out of here when it hits the fan are going to be shocked when they find out that will not save them. Then they will have to realize that the Lord wants them to deal with some of the stuff they have backed away from for decades.
We should have been defending our history, heritage, monuments and flags and mostly we have not bothered. Unfortunately, there will be a price to pay for our wanton neglect and I am not sure we are equipped to pay that price.
In Luke 23:31 Jesus, before His crucifixion, asked the question “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” We might ask the question today–if the communists and those that fund them do all this stuff now, what will they do if they ever really seize power? There are Christians in our day that do not want to ever deal with anything “negative” and so they ignore most of what happens around them. At some point they will be forced to deal with what is going on around them–and most will not be prepared to do it.