From China With “Love”
Recently US Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe said that Communist China represents the greatest threat to this country. Ratcliffe said “I call its approach of economic espionage ‘rob, replicate and replace.’ China robs US companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology and then replaces the US firms in the global marketplace.”
Revised History – From China With “Love” PDF
Recently US Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe said that Communist China represents the greatest threat to this country. Ratcliffe said “I call its approach of economic espionage ‘rob, replicate and replace.’ China robs US companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology and then replaces the US firms in the global marketplace.”
Ratcliffe made his statements now, probably to get them on record officially because, let’s face it, if the Harris/Biden administration emerges victorious in their grand election theft, then all traces of opposition to Communist China will be removed and China will be welcomed in their efforts to remake this country in their communist image. That’s the game plan at this point in time. And a Harris/Biden administration would love it. They would have no problem whatever with Red China taking over this country both economically and militarily. Harris is, at the very least, Marxist-oriented and Biden has no moral compass to go by except how much money has family can make out of any deals that come down the pike.
To talk about how much Red China has already infiltrated our political system is only to state the obvious. A New York Post article for December 8th https://nypost.com has stated that Suspected Chinese spy reportedly slept with, courted US officials to gain intel” and the article continues: “She was a Chinese Mata Hari–who allegedly slept with at least two Midwestern mayors while cozying up to a slew of pols across the country in a bid to infiltrate the US political system. Fetching accused Chinese government spy Fang Fang, aka Christine Fang, entered the US through California as a college student in 2011–and spent the next four years wooing everyone from local politicos to US congressmen, said the website Axios, citing current and former US intelligence officials Among the pols who Fang got close to was California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, and she also once helped raise funds for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard sources said.. ‘She was on a mission,’ a US counter-intelligence official said of Fang–and it included plenty of seduction before the feds got wind of her antics and she vanished in 2015.”
The New York Post article had a picture of Fang posing with radical Democratic congressman Eric Swalwell and another posing with Congresswoman Judy Chu. Swalwell has been a notorious Trump hater since day one so is it any surprise that he would cozy up to a Chinese Communist spy? They probably think alike.
The Post article did note: “Allegedly working at the direction of China’s ultra-secret Ministry of State Security spy agency, Fang likely didn’t get her hands on any classified US material–but she may have helped place ‘unwitting subagents’ in local and congressional offices, US officials said. Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office, according to two sources. She also raised funds for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign and interacted with the congressman in a number of events over several years, the site said.”
I believe Swalwell is on the House Intelligence Committee. The question has arisen in patriotic circles as to whether Swalwell, due to his obvious connection to a Chinese Communist agent, should be removed from this committee. I think that would be a good first step. Then there is the question of just how many congress critters have been influenced by Communist agents and did/or didn’t realize it. When you look at the number of socialists in the US Congress you do have to wonder.
Then there was this commentary by Charles Burris on https:www.lewrockwell.com for December 10th. Mr. Burris stated, quite accurately, I believe, that “Wall Street is selling out the United States to Communist China. US China policy for decades has been influenced by Wall Street lobbyist at companies like Blackrock, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and pushed forward by willing politicians. And now China wants the great reset of US China relations. And their old friends in Wall Street are helping.”
Mr. Burris closed out his comments with this little gem–“See this related Glenn Greenwald article, The Hunter Biden Criminal Probe Bolsters a Chinese Scholar’s Claim about Beijing’s Influence With the Biden Administration.” I checked into Greenwald’s article. I can’t reproduce it here, but I would urge readers to check it out for themselves. Harris/Biden will be bad news for America and great news for the Chinese Communists.