Has The Crackdown Begun?
The articles I am reading on the internet this morning are ominous. They portend evil for our future and a crackdown on freedom of expression in this country for everyone who is not totally apolitical or is not a part of the deep state/hard left coterie.
Revised History – Has The Crackdown Begun? PDF
The articles I am reading on the internet this morning are ominous. They portend evil for our future and a crackdown on freedom of expression in this country for everyone who is not totally apolitical or is not a part of the deep state/hard left coterie.
I have several sites I check out daily as I check over material, I need to print off for use that day or the next. Most of these sites this morning had articles on them discussing the probable end of free speech under a Harris/Biden administration. There are so many of them I cannot list them all–just as there are too many people in Congress, the courts, and various state houses that are all willing to stab Donald Trump in the back. I would run out of space trying to list all the Trump traitors. I think some of these people would give Judas Iscariot a run for his money–and no I am not trying to compare Mr. Trump to Jesus Christ. I am just trying to make a point here. This country is rife with people in high places who daily work to subvert what this country was founded on. And they do it with joyful abandon.
I will mention here one that says it pretty plainly. It is https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/tyranny/censorship-is-now-the-norm-free-speech-is-officially-gone Mr. Armstrong is pretty straightforward in what he says here. Who knows how long it will be allowed to stay up?
Several articles caught my attention this morning. One was from the New York Post about Antifa aiding in the insurgency at the Capitol on Wednesday, seeking to provoke Trump supporters. In the same vein there was another from Natural News which noted that: “Far-Left Antifa/BLM activist John Sullivan has been identified as one of the people who allegedly was part of the siege of the Capitol building yesterday–you know, one of the ‘violent Trump supporters’ we’ve been hearing so much about in the news.” Sullivan belongs to a group called Insurgence USA. Naturally, the mainstream media “forgot” to mention any of this in their frenzied effort to blame Trump supporters for all the violence. These hard left people pulled a false flag on the Trump supporters last Wednesday and who knows how many in high places gave their blessing.
Ron Kennedy, in his new book, Red State Red County Secession–Creating a Nation of Our Own tells us about those people. He says: “Modern-day America is controlled by a politically correct, new-Marxist shadow government. This shadow government is composed of new-Marxists who have infiltrated and now control America’s institutions of social influence. Neo-Marxists now dominate universities, the mainline and digital media, the entertainment industry, national and global financial and political institutions. They dictate what is acceptable–politically correct–in society and government.”
Ron has noted that: “Opinion polls documented that between 60 and 70 percent of Southerners want to keep their Confederate heritage symbols. This represents a vast reservoir of people who could initiate a massive, conservative, revolution if motivated.” The job of the mainstream media is to make sure these good folks are demonized to the point that they are afraid to be motivated. Local and state Republican officials do not help these folks at all. That wouldn’t be politically correct, and it might give these folks a clue to the fact that there is no one out there that will speak up for them. And with a Harris/Biden administration it will get even worse. Those willing to support Southern, Western, or even regular American heritage may end up being accused of “hate crimes” against the deep state/neo-Marxist oligarchy in Washington.
Mark my words, there is a crackdown on ordinary Americas, North or South, coming if they dare to protest what is being done to them. In one of my recent articles, I referred to “peaceful secession” in passing. I got several comments on that to the effect that the way things are now a peaceful secession would be impossible. The South tried in peaceably in 1861 and they were invaded. Should we expect anything different today? Secession wasn’t treason in 1861 and it wouldn’t be now, but how we approach it would need to be discussed and debated because you have to know the deep state ain’t about to let us go. We are their meal ticket, and we supply our sons and daughters for their no-win wars around the globe.
The entrance of a Harris/Biden regime in Sodom on the Potomac will only intensify this situation because you can expect that regime to institute a crackdown on everyone that will not bow the knee to their political Baal. They don’t plan to govern wisely–they plan to rule, and they plan to do it with a Marxist clenched fist! For you Christians that think you can just get by if you sit this one out, think again. The Christian Church will be in the gunsights of the deep state/neo-Marxist gaggle that plans on invading Washington on January 20th, so get ready!