If It Sounds Too Good To Be True It Probably Is
For weeks now i have been hearing about how Biden will not be inaugurated on January 20th and how Trump will turn the tables on the deep state and have all the traitors arrested that day and will still be president for another four years. I have gotten this narrative from multiple sources.
Revised History – If It Sounds Too Good To Be True It Probably Is PDF
For weeks now i have been hearing about how Biden will not be inaugurated on January 20th and how Trump will turn the tables on the deep state and have all the traitors arrested that day and will still be president for another four years. I have gotten this narrative from multiple sources.
I have checked out videos from some of these sources. Most of them are put out by people I have never heard of and, quite frankly, a couple of them look like people that would not have sense enough to come in out of the rain. So, I am asking myself, where do these people all of a sudden come from and where do they come up with this “secret” information? Do they honestly think the deep state apparatus doesn’t know what they have been saying for weeks now and that only hard-core patriots are getting their stuff? You can bet if the deep state knows about this, they would be doing something about it and not just waiting for it to magically happen.
It all sounds so great. Trump gets his second term and those selling out the country all get arrested. I would dearly love to see it happen, but I doubt that it will. I am about half convinced that this just might be a deep state operation to keep Trump supporters off balance and eventually demoralized when this doesn’t really happen the way they have been told it will. If, by some chance it is accurate and does happen I will be more than happy to admit I was wrong. In fact, this is one time I would dearly love to be wrong. I would love to see those selling the country out get what they so richly deserve and what they have deserved for most of my lifetime–real justice! I just don’t think it is going to happen. How many of us have waited for Hillary to get justice after all that she and her philandering husband have pulled over the years? Has that happened? How many leftist scumbags have worked at tearing down this country for fun and profit over the decades? Have they been caught or punished? Yet we are supposed to believe that Trump will handle all the traitors in one day, in one fell swoop? Stop and think about it folks.
There has even been one guest on the Infowars site that has been saying this and he is one among many from different places that has been parroting this stuff. He has been right about some things in the past, but I think he is way off base on this one. As I said, I would love to be wrong, but I am not pinning any wild hopes on this scenario only to see them dashed on inauguration day if they swear Biden and his Marxist running mate in.
I have had many friends that have bought into this possible scenario. It’s almost like our last, best hope to avoid what amounts to a Marxist takeover of this country, but I am just afraid it ain’t gonna happen the way we could all wish it would. I am afraid, after spending over half of my life opposing Marxism, that we are going to have to learn how to deal with a Marxist Regime in Washington that may be even more of a problem than Obama was for us.
The deep state that really controls both political parties has allowed us to see how many Republicans really hate Trumps guts and couldn’t wait for a chance to turn on him. Once patriotic Republicans realize their own party has willingly thrown them under the bus it is my hope, they will desert the party of Lincoln and Lincoln’s Marxists in droves and possibly look toward the formation of a new party, or even toward the possibilities of nullification and secession. Just trying to elect “more conservatives” to Congress doesn’t seem to be getting it and some of those “conservatives” really aren’t–they just lie to us to get elected and then sell out once they get to Washington. We need a different approach and Red State Red County Secession could well be one viable option.
We will have to see what all happens after next Wednesday. Again, I reiterate, I would love to be in error here, but if I am not, don’t say you were not told. Hope for the best but prepare or the worst.