If the Country Falls Whose Fault Is It?

“…Washington knew now that if this war had been lost, it was possibly because the American people didn’t understand their responsibility.”

Revised History – If the Country Falls Whose Fault Is It? PDF

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            I just finished rereading Jeff Shaara’s interesting book The Glorious Cause. Admittedly this is historical fiction, though Shaara has stayed as close to the truth of history as he can. He has updated the dialogue to what we can understand better today, but most of the historical events are pretty close to the truth. This is the story of our first War for Independence, the one we fought in 1775 and afterwards until 1781.

            We also fought a second War for Independence from 1861-65. We lost that one and not only the South, but the whole country has lived with the results of that loss when Lincoln destroyed what the founders had given us. We have never gotten it back and I doubt if we will in my lifetime or my childrens’ lifetime.

            Shaara made an interesting observation on page 647. He said, in part, “…Washington knew now that if this war had been lost, it was possibly because the American people didn’t understand their responsibility.”

            An interesting statement in light of where we stand (or fall) today.

            We are still in a war today. The “reconstruction” that totally ruined the South is still ongoing, now encompassing the entire country and the country is losing. The “reconstructors” in our day have lots of help in tearing down the country–liberals, socialists and communists are all eagerly helping them to enact a vision for this country that is something only the Chinese Communists could love!

            Do the American people, North and South, have a responsibility today to fight against this, to try to understand what is being done to them and their children and their history and culture? I think they do, but, unfortunately, the vast majority of them ain’t having any of that.

            Their sense of responsibility has been “educated” out of them by what passes for educational institutions in this country–and I don’t only mean the colleges and universities. This removal of their sense of responsibility starts in K-12 and continues in higher learning.

            By the time most of our kids have gone through 16 years of what passes for education in this country they hardly know upside down from inside out, but their “educators” have convinced them they are all brilliant. They have been taught their “responsibility” is to make money, have a good time, and learn to support every socialist group and project their professors have taught them is worthy of emulation.

            To say our young folks, need a thorough re-education is only to state the obvious.

            There are places to begin with this. How many folks during the onslaught of this Chinese virus were stuck at home with their kids because everything except abortion clinics, liquor stores and markets was shut down? Some of these folks began to learn how to teach their kids at home and found, to their own amazement, that they could do a pretty fair country job of it if they just worked at it–and they didn’t need the public school material that was plastered all over the internet for them. Some of these folks will not send their kids back to public school next Fall and the home school community will gain many new adherents. That’s one step in the right direction. Parents out there who have begun to see the educational light can now check out the Freedom Academy Project and Ron Paul’s Home School Program among others.

            An article in the New American for April 20th, by Alex Newman, noted that “…millions of parents are now learning they are capable of homeschooling, as well as getting a much closer look at the indoctrination their kids are subjected to (in public school) …nationwide celebrities ranging from  talk-show titan Rush Limbaugh to evangelist Franklin Graham urged parents to remove their children from public schools. Truly a step in the right direction! There was a time when Christian pastors would not begin to touch the major problem the public-school system is. Many still won’t, for fear they might “offend” some school teacher in their congregation, but more and more, some are stepping out and saying what needs to be said–if you want to keep your country then get your kids out of public school!

            You folks here in the South ought to really begin to grasp this. The public schools here, in the main, have trashed your Southern history and culture and yet too many of you keep putting your kids into them and then wondering why your kids don’t share your worldview when it comes to Southern heritage.

            I pray the Lord will wake more of you up so you can see that you have a responsibility to make sure your kids are properly educated, whether you do it at home or via a Christian school or whatever way you choose–and putting them back in public school is not a valid option unless you absolutely can do nothing else!

            Will we again learn to be responsible citizens who care about saving this country. What we decide about how we educate our kids might answer that question for us.