“Immigration Fraud on the Border”
Many of us with suspicious minds have suspected that the current mess at our Southern border is not accidental or coincidental, or even Trump’s fault, as the lying leftists that have the gall to call themselves the “news media” have been telling us. In fact, in our day, if the “news media” tells you something you would be well served to believe the exact opposite. How many times have they been caught lying to us in the last four years? Don’t you wish you had a ten-dollar bill for every time? I do. I could take my wife out to the fanciest eating place in North Louisiana every night for a week and still have a bundle left.
Revised History – “Immigration Fraud on the Border” PDF
Many of us with suspicious minds have suspected that the current mess at our Southern border is not accidental or coincidental, or even Trump’s fault, as the lying leftists that have the gall to call themselves the “news media” have been telling us. In fact, in our day, if the “news media” tells you something you would be well served to believe the exact opposite. How many times have they been caught lying to us in the last four years? Don’t you wish you had a ten-dollar bill for every time? I do. I could take my wife out to the fanciest eating place in North Louisiana every night for a week and still have a bundle left.
Tom Homan, one of the former high officials in the Border Patrol during the Trump years was recently interviewed on the Mark Levin show which was noted in a recent article on https://www.foxnews.com Now I have my problems with Mark Levin in some areas, most notably his version of the reasons for the War of Northern Aggression. His version of that conflict and the reasons for it is about 180 degrees away from mine. Having said that, though, I have to admit he doesn’t get every topic he deals with wrong. His interview with Tom Homan was quite revelatory, as were Mr. Homan’s comments.
Homan observed: “The Biden administration is still trying to blame President Trump for what’s going on at the border right now. They’re ignoring the fact that–I don’t care if you love President Trump or hate him–you cannot deny the fact that he gave us the most secure border in my career, which is almost thirty-five years…I spent my entire career on border enforcement, immigration enforcement, and President Trump got it right. He had unprecedented success on the border.” He mentioned the data on the Department of Justice website in this regard and said anyone can check it out. He noted that the vast majority of Central Americans that came to the border to claim asylum did not really qualify for that. Not that the “news media” will ever mention that. Many, if not most of them, came for the freebies, paid for by U.S. citizens. But they couldn’t admit that. They had to have a more noble-sounding reason to expound, so they claimed it was asylum from oppression, though I doubt they were ever asked to detail that oppression.
And Homan then said, “I doubt if President Biden has looked at it (the DOJ data) or DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has looked at it, because if they did, then they’re facilitating immigration fraud on the border.” Homan then had one parting shot, and it was right on the money. He said: “This isn’t incompetence. This is by design. This is an open borders agenda that we all knew was coming.”
An article by R. Cort Kirkwood on The New American website for March 19th complemented Homan’s assessment when Kirkwood stated that: “The leftist Cuban immigrant who runs President Biden’s Homeland Security Department has admitted releasing illegal aliens into the heartland before they were tested for the China Virus. The confession from Alejandro Mayorkas backed recent news reports that Biden is releasing ‘migrants’–leftist code for illegals–without testing, only to be found virus-positive by local authorities. the illegals then board buses to travel anywhere they wish. Who will be responsible for any deaths the illegals cause if they spread the potentially fatal Asiatic germ is unknown?” The leftists have a simple answer to that–it’s all Trump’s fault! Everything from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden up to the present day is Trump’s fault! Remember that–because it is one of the key assertions on the Left’s “confession of faith.”
The Establishment wants Americans to wear double masks for a least two years, if not longer, and they want to keep your states shut down for as long as they think you will put up with it, but for the illegals, hey–don’t bother testing them, just put them on buses to go where they want to and forget it. Apparently illegal aliens have more rights than American citizens anymore. Are you beginning to realize there is something wrong with this picture. If not, then maybe you deserve what you are willing to put up with–like that “security” you want along with your “freedom.” If that is the case then don’t be surprised if you end up with neither!