Is Kamala Harris Eligible To Be President?
One of the most open “secrets” around is that many in Sodom on the Potomac realize that Joe Biden’s tenure as “president” may not last all that long. His Marxist running mate, who I refer to as “Comrade Kamala” is anxiously waiting in the wings to assume the royal presidency when Joe is told he is no longer necessary and is sent back to his basement bunker in Delaware to smell the daisies.
Revised History – Is Kamala Harris Eligible To Be President? PDF
One of the most open “secrets” around is that many in Sodom on the Potomac realize that Joe Biden’s tenure as “president” may not last all that long. His Marxist running mate, who I refer to as “Comrade Kamala” is anxiously waiting in the wings to assume the royal presidency when Joe is told he is no longer necessary and is sent back to his basement bunker in Delaware to smell the daisies.
One thorny problem with all this, though, is that Comrade Kamala is not constitutionally eligible to be either president or vice-president. The New American Magazine for September 21st of 2020 carried an article by Joe Wolverton J.D. in which Mr. Wolverton wrote: “Yet Kamala Harris is constitutionally ineligible to be president of the United States because she is not a natural born citizen, as required by Article II (and by reference, the 12rh Amendment) of the U.S. Constitution. While born in the United States–Oakland, California–at the time of her birth, Kamala Harris’ father was a citizen of Jamaica and her mother was a citizen of India. This makes Kamala Harris a native-born American–thus eligible to serve as a U.S. Senator—but she is not a natural-born citizen, the higher standard set for those occupying the office of president.”
In order for her to have been a natural-born citizen her father would have had to be a U.S. citizen, which he was not at the time of her birth. Another concern shared by many is that her father, according to author Trevor Loudon, was “an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California…Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association…”
Does all this begin to give you some idea of where Comrade Kamala is really coming from? If it doesn’t then don’t bother reading any of the rest of this as you won’t grasp its implication anyway.
Do I think any of this will make any difference to Harris–the fact of her being constitutionally ineligible to be president? Not in the least! That will all be ignored by both her and our compliant media who have been trained to just look the other way when confronted with an inconvenient truth. The fact of her ineligibility to hold the office will never be brought up and to question her ineligibility may get you labeled as an insurrectionist. Or as a man once said, “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.” And that is where we are living right now.
So, get ready because this coming Wednesday you will be treated to a faux-inauguration.