John Brown–Conspirator
Over the years I have run into many who seem to venerate John Brown of Harpers Ferry “fame” as though he were some sort of savior for mankiind. Actually, the opposite is probably closer to the truth. I have, recently, in an article on John Brown, referred to historian Otto Scott’s thoughtful work on Brown The Secret Six–The Fool As Martyr. It goes into Brown and those radicals that supported and financed his activities.
Revised History – John Brown–Conspirator PDF
Over the years I have run into many who seem to venerate John Brown of Harpers Ferry “fame” as though he were some sort of savior for mankiind. Actually, the opposite is probably closer to the truth. I have, recently, in an article on John Brown, referred to historian Otto Scott’s thoughtful work on Brown The Secret Six–The Fool As Martyr. It goes into Brown and those radicals that supported and financed his activities.
Another book I have often referred to and recommended is one by Arthur R. Thompson To The Victors Go The Myths And Monuments. Mr. Thompson has also done yeoman duty in exposing conspiracy in this country and those who are part of that conspiracy to take this country down, indeed, to take all of Western Christian civilization down–for that is their ultimate goal.
John Brown was involved in that conspiracy, which still exists in our day. On page 291 of his book, Mr. Thompson tells us about John Brown’s involvement. He says: “The entire life of John Brown was involvement in conspiracy, including the conspiracy that had worked for years to destroy the social order of the country and replace it with Illuminist ideas. he named as one of the trustees of his will William Russell, the founder of the Order.” The Order he is talking about here is the Order of Skull & Bones, which some of you all must have heard of. Historian and Professor Antony Sutton wrote a book about the Order of Skull & Bones back in the 1980s called America’s Secret Establishment. It was a controversial book and Sutton had a hard time getting it published. I think he eventually self-published it.
Mr. Thompson observed that: “Since the growth of the Internet, the widespread reputation of Skull and Bones, the Order, has proliferated, with more and more people paying attention to such things, and some modern histories of Brown have dropped any references to Brown’s connections with William Russell. Apparently to refer to Russell in connection with Brown would raise some eyebrows…Brown was the first political terrorist of his kind. Before, terrorism was a part of government, either against their own people as a means of ruling them, or against another citizenry whom they wished to influence into some form of reaction, or tribe against tribe….In the case of Brown, he was backed by those who wanted a change in government for their own purposes. He was their instrument to wage terrorist activity to react the people into accepting war and the changes wrought by that war. And his arms were supplied by these men. Brown had conspirators in government at the state and federal level who helped him, even though his enterprise was not sanctioned by the government. Indeed, if the federal government had done the job it was supposed to do, the army would have arrested Brown and the others in the Kansas Territory who were causing the mayhem on both sides.”
Thompson continued: “Brown hired Hugh Forbes, an Englishman who had fought under Garibaldi, to train his soldiers in 1857.In most volumes about Brown, little is mentioned about Forbes except the foregoing. When looking into his background, it becomes very interesting that he linked up with Brown and subsequent events. The story of Forbes is that he was an emissary and operative of Mazzini in the United States. He was asked to come to America in that capacity and work with the emigres who had removed to the New World. Literally thousands of members of the European Carbonari front groups had moved to America after 1848. They needed to be pulled together into a cohesive organization to work for the goals of the Carbonari. Forbes was one of the main men tasked to do the job by Mazzini, if not the leader of the effort, to at least pull together the lower political levels of Carbonari influence. Forbes was pressed on Brown by his backers in the East.” So it was all not just a plot by Brown. He was part of something much bigger–one cog in the wheel of conspiracy to take this country down. And as for these European Carbonari that came over here after 1848–how many of them were the Forty-eighters Donnie Kennedy and I wrote about in Lincoln’s Marxists? I wouldn’t mind having a dollar for every one that was.
So, John Brown was an integral part of the conspiracy that was working to destabilize the United States, using terrorism as part of their agenda. And if Brown was part of all that, what about the people that financed and promoted him? Were they all part of that also? Or as the man says, “Will the sun rise in the East tomorrow?”
More on John Brown in the near future.