Let Them Eat Grasshoppers!
Recently on the internet I saw an article stating that people should get to the point where they started eating grasshoppers and other insects. The proponents of our learning to consume creeping wildlife seemed to feel this would be good for us and for the planet. The article was so far out I did not even save it.. The idea of trudging into my back yard in search of various creepy crawlers for breakfast did not appeal to me and I doubt it will appeal to any sane person.
Revised History – Let Them Eat Grasshoppers!
Recently on the internet I saw an article stating that people should get to the point where they started eating grasshoppers and other insects. The proponents of our learning to consume creeping wildlife seemed to feel this would be good for us and for the planet. The article was so far out I did not even save it.. The idea of trudging into my back yard in search of various creepy crawlers for breakfast did not appeal to me and I doubt it will appeal to any sane person.
But, thinking in this direction seems to be something indirectly being considered by the more wild and frenzied among the climate change crowd. And the Harris/Biden Regime is catering, again, indirectly, to this mindset.
An article on the New American website for April 28th by James Murphy notes the following: “The climate-alarmist war against meat continues. Although Joe Biden hasn’t come out yet and said it, climate hysterics are pushing the narrative that, in order to meet the president’s ambitious emission-reduction goals–Americans will have to radically change their meat-based diets, and quickly. Brent Kim, a program officer for the Center for a Livable Future Production and Public Health Program at Johns Hopkins University told the Daily Mail that Americans will need to ‘dramatically reduce’ their meat and dairy intake in order to avoid the worst climate-change scenarios…Kim may not be talking about ‘banning’ certain foods, but it sure sounds like he would like to make foods such as meat and dairy more difficult to obtain…Thus far, Biden has remained mum on his specific climate plans for the agricultural sector but the farmers and ranchers and the states most affected would like some answers as to what the president plans for their industry. Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, a Republican, wants answers for one of the key industries in his state–beef production.” Ricketts has noted that “Green New Deal activists have put meat production and consumption in their crosshairs.” Comrade Kamala has already stated that she’d gladly support changing dietary guidelines “to reduce red meat specifically.”
Murphy closes his article with this question–“When is Joe Biden going to tell Americans something similar? And how does he plan on accomplishing such a reduction? How many farmers and ranchers does the Biden administration plan on shutting down to meet such meaningless climate goals?”
I can answer that one. He will shut down as many as he can get away with. At root, that is a big part of what this is all about–the decimation of the ranching and farming culture of the West and the South. Destroy those good folks and you destroy some of the last bastions of independent culture and thought in this country. And in the process you become more dependent on the feds to tell you what you can eat, if you can eat, and when and how you can eat. They may even be generous and let you remove your mask while you eat–but don’t bet the farm on that! In fact, when the feds get through you will probably not have the farm anymore–but they may let you scrounge around in your backyard for insects–provided you don’t eat too many grasshoppers and upset the local ecological system.
The destruction of the independent local ranching and farming culture is the real name of this game–that and teaching the obedient proles to learn to love Big Brother.