A Different View of the Constitution
If government can force us to be vaccinated, then what has changed since Obamacare forced us to buy health insurance many people didn’t want? Isn’t this the kind of thing Mr. Trump was elected to prevent?
Revised History – A Different View of the Constitution PDF
There has been lots on the net of late telling people they need to wear these masks supposedly to ward off this rotten Chinese virus. There seem to be some that advocate wearing these things 24/7 forever, inside and outside, no matter where you are or might be.
In light of that there seems to be a growing number of doctors that feel these masks are counterproductive. Some feel they cut down on the amount of oxygen you consume over the long haul and so they don’t advocate continued use of them day in and day out forever.
I’m no scientist, but I do try to keep track of what goes on and at this point there are enough medical people questioning the continual use of these masks that I am seriously beginning to wonder.
There are also rumors abounding about a vaccination for this Chinese virus becoming “mandatory.” No doubt there are some globalist types out there that would just love to see such action become mandatory These are the people that think they know what is best for the rest of us and so they would dearly love to see every regimen of our daily lives severely regulated because they claim to know what is “best” for the rest of us. And quite often what they think is best for the rest of us is something they choose not to do themselves. But, then, this is the nature of totalitarianism–medical or political.
If government can force us to be vaccinated, then what has changed since Obamacare forced us to buy health insurance many people didn’t want? Isn’t this the kind of thing Mr. Trump was elected to prevent?
The decision to be vaccinated should be one between a person and his/her doctor, not something unilaterally forced upon us by a “benevolent” government. We will see what happens with all of this but as we go along it seems, more and more, that this Chinese virus is something that is being used to force more upon us than we are willing to go along with.
And I am beginning to wonder if that is the real name of this game.