Maoist Influence On Our Elections

Most of us are familiar with the “Russian Collusion” hoax that the Deep State tried to foist upon us which made Trump appear to be in Putin’s hip pocket.

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            Most of us are familiar with the “Russian Collusion” hoax that the Deep State tried to foist upon us which made Trump appear to be in Putin’s hip pocket.

            The Deep States propaganda arm, aka our “news media” literally ran this lie into the ground. The country waited with bated breath for Adam Schiff to present the mountains of evidence he claimed he had that conclusively proved that Trump was a Russian asset. We are still waiting–and it’s a good thing we didn’t hold our breath. I guess you could say that Comrade Schiff is a prevaricator of the first water That’s a nice way of saying he didn’t tell us the truth.

            However with the far Left, of which Schiff is a part, you have to look at sins of omission as well as sins of commission. And one major sin of omission the Leftists practiced is that, while pushing their Russia hoax, they failed to inform the American public about Chinese interference in our elections here.

            Arthur Thompson, in his informative new book, China–The Deep States Trojan Horse in America, has given us some needed information about this problem. He has an entire chapter on it, starting on page 35. Mr. Thompson tells us: “There are substantial pro-Maoist organizations actively at work changing the voting patterns of certain states by their work among American minorities and immigrants. At the same time, they provide much of the pressure to move the Democratic Party further to the left, with shocking success.” If you have wondered why the Democratic Party has been almost falling over the left side of the political spectrum, this is part of the reason why.

            Like many, I followed the anti-gun debates in the state of Virginia last year where it appears the far Left is in control. Virginia’s present governor almost makes Fidel Castro look moderate. And there is a reason for this, one that I didn’t realize at the time. Mr. Thompson explains it on page 37. He says: “One of the most active of these organizations is the New Virginia Majority (NVM). It took them twelve years to reach enough people (they brag that they reached millions of people) and change them enough to alter the state of Virginia into a radical Democratic stronghold. The NVM is a front for Liberation Road, known until April 2019 as Freedom Road Socialist Organization. This is the United States’ most influential Maoist organization, yet you probably have never heard of it from the Fake News.”

            Mr. Thompson continues, and this one should be of interest to our Southern brethren, when he says: “Another organization using this strategy is a few miles outside of Knoxville in Tennessee,  the Highlander Research and Education Center, which was established by the Communist Party USA in the 1930s to bring socialism to the South. The center is now firmly under Liberation Road Maoist control.” From the CPUSA to the Maoists in one easy step!

            And Mr. Thompson further notes that: “China Daily is an English-language newspaper overseen by the Chinese Communist Party’s Publicity Department, the governmental agency in charge of disseminating propaganda. It disseminates articles and supplements, called China Watch, to major U.S. newspapers including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post. Often these full-page articles are run as advertisements in these papers, but many readers do not notice they are ads, not editorials.” So if you read any of these papers you may well be getting some Red Chinese propaganda along with your morning news–and that’s the real name of this game. It’s all about influencing the voters without their realizing it.

            Mr. Thompson goes into lots more in this chapter, but it is impossible to cover it all here. I would recommend checking his book out. You can get information about it from  If you really want to know who is in the business of propagandizing American voters you need to check this book out.