No Wonder We Have Problems When Church Pastors Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Bills
Many wonder why we have some of the problems we have in this country. They feel that a country like ours that has a mostly Christian background should not be beset with the situation we seem to find ourselves in. Yet we are, and part of the problem seems to stem from the fact that many who claim to speak for the Lord are actually promoting ideas that have no warrant whatever from the Holy Scriptures.
Revised History – No Wonder We Have Problems When Church Pastors Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Bills
Many wonder why we have some of the problems we have in this country. They feel that a country like ours that has a mostly Christian background should not be beset with the situation we seem to find ourselves in. Yet we are, and part of the problem seems to stem from the fact that many who claim to speak for the Lord are actually promoting ideas that have no warrant whatever from the Holy Scriptures.
Researcher Kit Daniels recently had and article on http://www.infowars.com in which he stated that: “A group of pro-choice church pastors are protesting pro-life bills expected to pass in Texas. One Presbyterian pastor in particular claimed Texas Senate Bill 8 could expose pastors to legal liability if they recommend abortions…Senate Bill 8 and its companion bill, HB 1515, would ban abortions when a heartbeat is detected, which can occur as early as four to six weeks in a pregnancy.”
Another pastor, this one a woman, said “We will never give up our individual consciences, and religious freedom or our God-given right to choose.” Look at what this “pastor” is saying here–God gives women the “right” to kill their unborn babies if they decide that is what is convenient for them. The House version of this bill already passed by a 81-63 vote (and that was too close). Wonder if it was a party-line vote.
If pastors are promoting this convoluted thinking to their congregations do you wonder why the country is in deep trouble? Churches and their pastors should be promoting the preservation of life–not the taking of it. It is interesting to note how many “Christians” in this country stand in defiance of the death penalty but have no problem with aborting preborn babies. And please don’t tell me that a preborn baby has no soul and therefore is only a “fetus” because Psalm 139 gives the lie to that kind of thinking.
In relation to this, in our current pandemic situation, how many of those that say a woman can do what she wants with her own body advocate forcing people to be vaccinated to combat this Chinese Virus? See any contradictions here? Their rationale seems to be that we should do whatever Big Brother in Washington tells us to do but we are free to ignore Holy Writ when we feel like it. They have it exactly backwards. That seems to be a big problem for the Christian church in our day and because of that, a bigger problem for the country.
Whenever Christians are more willing to obey Harris and Biden than they are the Lord it is always going to be a major problem for the country. And part of this problem is also neutralized Christians that are “so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.” The church needs to be out there confronting the anti-Christ culture and not pretending it doesn’t exist or backpedaling away from it because they don’t want to get involved.
Until this problem gets resolved things will only get worse. It seems today we have too many Christians apologizing to the Devil’s minions for offending them rather than resisting and exposing them for the evil they do.