Nullification in Arkansas
Just read an article on The Epoch Times web site about the state senate in Arkansas passing a bill banning the enforcement of federal gun control laws.
Revised History – Nullification in Arkansas PDF
Just read an article on The Epoch Times web site about the state senate in Arkansas passing a bill banning the enforcement of federal gun control laws.
The article noted that: “The state senate voted this week to block federal law enforcement officials enforcing certain gun laws and regulations, sending the bill to the state House in the midst of congressional gun-control proposals. the Senate voted 28- 7 to approve the measure, which will then be sent to the House. Arkansas’ Legislature is overwhelmingly Republican…the measure will prohibit any law enforcement agencies in Arkansas from cooperating with federal officials to enforce federal gun laws that go in conflict with the rights provided in the Arkansas Constitution, according to Arkansas Online. Some state lawmakers expressed a worry that President Joe Biden would ramp up gun-control measures.”
It’s no secret that Biden and his Marxist vice-president plan to gut the Second Amendment immediately if not sooner, whichever they can get away with. And you can take it to the bank that if the Second Amendment goes by the boards then the other nine original amendments in the Bill of Rights won’t be far behind it. That’s the federal Deep State plan. Trump protected the Second Amendment. Harris/Biden plan to do away with it. Oh, they will claim otherwise, but anyone with a brain knows where they are headed. Once they gut the Second Amendment and have the guns who is to prevent them from doing whatever they darn well please?
What the state of Arkansas is doing with this bill in nullifying unconstitutional federal actions. This is something more and more states need to start doing. Nullification in this country is something that has a long history.
Ron Kennedy, in his new informative little book Be Ye Separate–Bible Belt Revival or Marxist Revolution comments on nullification. On page 29 he observes: “We the people must again reclaim the right to control our state and local communities. We can use that control to nullify anti-Christian acts of the federal government and its bureaucratic Deep State–just like the people of Wisconsin who boldly nullified the Constitutional requirements to return runaway slaves in 1859 As will be explained, America’s founding fathers protected this ability (state nullification etc.) when they crafted the original Constitution…The idea of states having power to nullify laws in the United States goes back to colonial days.” More on Ron’s new book (Xulon Press http://www.xulonpress.com) in future articles.
There is more about state nullification in Ron Kennedy’s book Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels (Shotwell Publishing, P O Box 2592, Columbia, South Carolina 29202) Ron tells us, on page 48, that “The bottom line is simple: Without real states’ rights, inclusive of the rights of state nullification and secession, we the people are helpless when facing an all-powerful tyrannical Federal Empire. But by passing our proposed constitutional amendment acknowledging the rights of nullification and secession, we the people at the local level will have the power to control ‘our’ federal government.” You need to read Dixie Rising.
State nullification is an idea whose time has come–or rather has come back. Other states are working at passing nullification laws in certain areas, notably Texas and a couple other Western states.