Nullification is Spreading
Recently I did an article on nullification in Arkansas. As things in this country continue to deteriorate under the Harris/Biden Regime more states are beginning to deal with the process of nullification as noted in the Constitution.
Revised History – Nullification is Spreading
Recently I did an article on nullification in Arkansas. As things in this country continue to deteriorate under the Harris/Biden Regime more states are beginning to deal with the process of nullification as noted in the Constitution.
Ron Kennedy, in his informative book Be Ye Separate–Bible Belt Revival Or Marxist Revolution has noted, on pages 62-63 that: “The founding fathers crafted a federal system for a Constitutionally limited Republic of Sovereign States. They understood that no word, sentence, clause, or amendment in the Constitution was self-enforcing. They understood that a free government required moral people. They also understood that, under their system of federalism, the Sovereign States would be able to enforce the Constitutional limitations on the federal government.” This is what nullification was all about preventing the federal government from going beyond the bounds of what the Constitution allowed. This is something the Feds dearly love to do–make up laws as they go along that will allow them to implement their neo-Marxist agendas. Nullification properly combats this, and more states seem to finally be waking up to this.
In Texas, four state legislators have introduced HB1215 (the Texas State Sovereignty Act). If passed this will create in Texas, the situation that will enable that state to “review federal actions that challenge the sovereignty of the state and the people for the purpose of determining if the federal action is unconstitutional.” Should any federal act fall into that category the legislators in Texas will then seek nullification from the state’s governor and a majority in both houses of the state government.
The legislature in South Dakota is also considering a bill similar to the one in Texas. And, in Wyoming there is a “Second Amendment Preservation Act” that should nullify federal gun control edicts. Similar nullification bills to protect the Second Amendment have been proposed in Alabama, Missouri, Ohio, and West Virginia. Regarding the Second Amendment, nullification measures have already been enacted in Alaska, Idaho, and Kansas.
And it has been reported that similar proposals are being debated and discussed in the legislatures of Arizona, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee. It seems as if many states in the South and West are beginning to grasp the importance of nullification in their honest desire to combat federal overreach. I wonder, at this point, where is Louisiana with its Democratic governor who seems more than willing to go along with any Democratic federal overreach proposed by the current Regime? The state legislature here in Louisiana needs to start looking at the nullification process for this state. So far they have avoided this issue which they should begin to address.
If continued federal overreach is allowed, we will, in effect, become just another Marxist dictatorship. That would greatly please the Deep State in Washington, but it will be the death knell for our God-given liberties everywhere else. People should start contacting their state legislators and letting them know they want them to start implementing the nullification process in their states.