Preface For A Southern Blockbuster
I received a Christmas present yesterday that I deeply appreciate. It was a copy of Ron and Donnie Kennedy’s third and updated edition of their blockbuster book The South Was Right! It had previously been published in 1991 and in 1994. The 1994 edition sold well over 100,000 copies. This new 2020 edition will hopefully do as well. It has been updated so that it reflects exactly where we are, both in the Southern Heritage Movement and in the country at large.
The Copperhead Chronicle – Preface For A Southern Blockbuster PDF
I received a Christmas present yesterday that I deeply appreciate. It was a copy of Ron and Donnie Kennedy’s third and updated edition of their blockbuster book The South Was Right! It had previously been published in 1991 and in 1994. The 1994 edition sold well over 100,000 copies. This new 2020 edition will hopefully do as well. It has been updated so that it reflects exactly where we are, both in the Southern Heritage Movement and in the country at large.
My comments today will deal only with the preface to the new 2020 edition. A full book review will come later as I get into the real meat of the book. But as I sat on Christmas morning and read the preface, I felt that it, by itself, deserved some comments as it shows how our leftist adversaries have changed their tactics against us since 1994 and many of us, myself sometimes included, have opposed them still using the same tactics we used over twenty five years ago. Is it any wonder we are losing?
I will quote the Kennedy Brothers here because what they have to say is so relevant. They observe: “Since the 1994 publication of the second edition of The South Was Right an evil, neo-Marxist shadow government has taken control of the United States. The evil, shadow government consists of leftist ideologues in the media, academia, political establishment, and their donor-class supporters both in the North and the South. With the fall of the old Communist world, Marxism changed its form but not its objectives. Neo-Marxists, composed of liberals, progressives, socialists, and other social justice warriors, replaced the older form of Marxism. Today, 2020, they dominate diverse organizations such as the mainline media, digital media, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and other left-of-center organizations.” So Marxism has taken on a whole new complexion at this point in time. The question for us is–have we kept pace with them? I’m afraid, at this point, that’s doubtful.
The Kennedys continue: “Everything associated with the traditional, conservative, Bible-Belt South has been demonized by the evil, leftist shadow government that now controls America’s social and political thinking. Evidence of the effectiveness of this evil, neo-Marxist shadow government can be seen in a 2020 opinion poll. The poll documented that most (77%) conservatives are afraid to openly express their political opinions. The America where freedom of speech and freedom of expression is a Constitutionally protected right no longer exists! This evil, leftist shadow government serves as the propaganda center that supports the Yankee Empire’s genocidal policy toward its captive nation–the Confederate States of America. The old North/South bargain or detente where the South agreed to remain passive and patriotic and not attempt to secede again in exchange for nominal control of our local, puppet governments–that agreement has been broken. We did not break the agreement, they broke it! This third edition explains how it happened, but more importantly it explains what the people of the occupied South can do about it.”
They tell us: “National Republican politicians cower before the demands of this evil, neo-Marxist shadow government, while national Democrats provide political cover for the left-of-center shadow government’s riotous storm troopers. America’s once ‘free press’ is now controlled by postmodern, neo-Marxists who maintain monopolistic control of public information. The mainline and digital media serve as the evil shadow government’s ministry of propaganda. These people are ideologically driven, they detest traditional Western Christian civilizations definition of truth, civility, and due process under the law…The cultural genocide directed against all things Southern that we warned was coming in 1994 has now arrived. Today Southerners are the only minority who are forced to allow our enemies to define our culture….We are in the same position as people of all other captive nations. The people of the South, Dixie, or the Bible-Belt are in a struggle for our very survival as a unique people. The following questions remain–‘Do Southerners still possess the courage to take their stand in Dixie? Do Southerners have the backbone necessary to establish their own provisional government in each state to bring pressure on ‘our’ wobbly weak-kneed politicians?”
There will be more about provisional and shadow governments in the book and for those who might not have a copy of it you can try to get a copy of Ron Kennedy’s book Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels. Ron deals with shadow governments in the South in that book also. It is time we updated our response to those Marxist types that seek to destroy us as a distinct people and who seek to destroy this country as a whole.
The leftists label us a “reactionaries” because we mostly react to what they try to do to us. It’s time we started being proactive rather than reactive and this new edition of The South Was Right! should help us to begin to do that. More on this as I get into the book.