"Pulpit" For Louisiana--And by extension for the rest of the South
Recently someone handed me a pamphlet which I found interesting and which I will quote from extensively in this article. It took information out of the book by Ron Kennedy Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels that may be helpful to those struggling to preserve our culture, heritage and history here in the South where it is under unrelenting attack by the Marxists that seek our cultural destruction.
The Copperhead Chronicle – “Pulpit” For Louisiana–And by extension for the rest of the South PDF
Recently someone handed me a pamphlet which I found interesting and which I will quote from extensively in this article. It took information out of the book by Ron Kennedy Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels that may be helpful to those struggling to preserve our culture, heritage and history here in the South where it is under unrelenting attack by the Marxists that seek our cultural destruction.
The pamphlet observed that “…the Bully Pulpit is a state-wide elected office in which the incumbent uses the prestige of the office to advance the cause of Southern and American Constitutional liberty. The office holder becomes the spokesman for the Cause not only in his state but across the South and the nation. He is central in organizing pro-liberty folks in every Southern state. By virtue of his office, he generates public knowledge and enthusiasm for our Cause..”
When you look at the way leftist Democrats and Republicans and other assorted Marxists have trashed our history and culture in recent years you realize that something of this sort is sorely needed. Someone with official political standing needs to be there to speak up for Southern Heritage folks who have no political power or voice of their own.
The pamphlet notes: “Only power can counter power. They (the Marxists) have power, we do not. One person in a Bully Pulpit could arouse the general public to forceful political action. Southerners will follow a strong leader who uses his Bully Pulpit to organize a mass movement; a leader who has developed a strategic plan to defeat the neo-Marxist mobs and replace the current illegitimate, supreme federal government with a Constitutional Republic of Sovereign States secured by real States’ Rights inclusive of the rights of state nullification and secession.”
The person in the Bully Pulpit has to be one of us ordinary folks, and not a career politician looking to feather his future political nest and therefore willing to sell out to the highest bidder. He needs to be someone who is willing to spend a good part of his time defending the Cause rather than the political eggs in his basket.
The pamphlet states that this person “…must understand the necessity of using irregular political warfare to unseat the political status quo–a system that is designed to favor the ruling elites, while holding ‘we the people’ in check and under their control.” This becomes especially important at a time when we risk having our national election stolen from us via massive fraud.
Dixie Rising Rules for Rebels states the following: “Consider the impact on recruiting of new supporters and members that the Bully Pulpit would have. Assume that we elect one of our own as Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. In Louisiana, the Lt. Governor has almost no real duties and would therefore have plenty of time to travel across the South and otherwise promote our Cause. For example, if a Southern scholar or author were to be invited to speak to a gathering in Columbia, South Carolina, it would cause very little public notice. But if the Lt. Governor of Louisiana comes to town that would make a noticeable public impact. More people would attend the meeting; more people would be encouraged to support the Cause and the news media would report on the event.” They might try to report negatively on it, but they would have to cover it, much as they might hate to do so.
The pamphlet continues: “More detained information about the Bully Pulpit, irregular political warfare, Provisional Government, South-wide ballot initiatives, and our Sovereign State Amendment to the US Constitution can be found in the second edition (2020) Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina. Our aim is not just to win an election–our aim is to win our Freedom.”