Are Virginia Socialists Trying To Do Away With The Bill of Rights?

It would seem that state government in Virginia is attempting to do away with the Bill of Rights there. The first two amendments are now under attack in that state.

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      In light of recent events in Virginia I think the title for this article is a legitimate question. It sure seems as though King Ralph, or Red Ralph, is headed in that direction.

      In the wake of the massive pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond the Virginia legislature has introduced several bills that can only be described as egregious violations of the Second Amendment. Do those people in Richmond realize the legislation they are pushing so vehemently violates the intent of the Second Amendment? Of course they do! That’s the whole idea. Violate the Second Amendment. They figure if they can get by with that in Virginia then other states will be emboldened to do the same thing. The whole idea here is to weaken, and eventually pave the way to do away with the Second Amendment altogether. The last thing those people want is an armed citizenry capable of resisting their tyrannical agenda. You see, in the final analysis, it is all about the people’s right to resist socialist tyranny.

      Oh, they will prattle about “saving lives” and all the rest, but then these same people will turn right around and promote abortion and infanticide. So whose lives are they really concerned about? Not the average people. They should put big signs up in front of the capital in Richmond that state, in big red letters, Socialist Lives Matter! Because, to them, those are really the only lives that do matter.

      But the socialist clique in Richmond not only wants to do away with the Second Amendment. They want to do away with the First Amendment as well. After all, you can’t have the average citizen in Virginia going around and saying nasty things about their exalted rulers. That won’t do at all.

      In this vein, there is an article up on which states: “In the wake of the Virginia gun rights rally on Monday, Democrats in the  Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny. They are moving a bill through the legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor Blackface Northam and other state government officials.”

      Another internet article, by David L. Brockett, for January 24th, said that: “King Northam and his palace court are getting nervous. Boy those Virginia Dems don’t know when to stop digging that hole! Now they want a law protecting state government officials from citizen ‘threats and harassment’. How subjective is that?” This bill is House Bill 1627.

      This article also noted: “King Blackface Northam and his liberal bed-fellows realize that public opinion has turned sharply against them. The best way to stop that is to silence the peasants under threat of imprisonment or fines. Anyone else believe this will just lead to more public criticism?” It should! Lots more.

      There was an article on way back on November 6, 2019 that stated: “Gun control was a massive issue in the race for Virginia’s statehouse.  Democrats will now control the legislature for the first time since 1994, as Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety overwhelmed the NRA in spending during the election campaign. Everytown spent $2.5 million to support the Virginia elections, easily outpacing the approximately $300,000 spent by the NRA, which has its headquarters in the state. A gun-control lobbying group funded largely by billionaire Michael Bloomberg just helped Democrats take over the state government of Virginia–right in the National Rifle Association’s backyard.”

      So, basically, for $2.5 million, Bloomberg bought himself a state legislature. Cheap at the price if your objective is to undermine the country. One wonders how many more state legislatures can be purchased for another $8-10 million.

      It would seem that Red Ralph and his socialist cadre in Virginia have, as a major part of their agenda, the total destruction of the Bill of Rights in Virginia. Keep your eyes open in the near future to see how many of the other first ten amendments to the Constitution come under attack not too far down the road.