Sorry To Disappoint The Left-Wingers But Southern Heritage Ain’t Dead
I have noted over the years that the American Left (yes, Virginia, there is an American Left) has sought to destroy and basically try to outlaw Southern history and culture in this country by trying to tie all of it to the slavery issue. Suffice it to say that the attempt to do that is monstrously false and a blatant lie which all but the “useful idiots” influenced by the leftists have by now figured out.
Revised History – Sorry To Disappoint The Left-Wingers But Southern Heritage Ain’t Dead PDF
I have noted over the years that the American Left (yes, Virginia, there is an American Left) has sought to destroy and basically try to outlaw Southern history and culture in this country by trying to tie all of it to the slavery issue. Suffice it to say that the attempt to do that is monstrously false and a blatant lie which all but the “useful idiots” influenced by the leftists have by now figured out.
However, not as many folks have figured out that the American Left also has in its sights the destruction of the ranching, farming, mining culture of the American West. The reason the American Left has designated these two cultural groups as the ones that need to be destroyed is that these two unique American cultures are just about the last two major cultural groups in this country that seek to exercise cultural independence and promote limited government.
In the South (south central where I live) they are trying to erase our history be removing our flags and monuments from every place they can, even to the point of removing Confederate monuments from battlefields. Resistance to this is beginning to surface in many areas but it needs to increase even more. One thing they have not been able to do here in the South is to destroy, for the main part, our way of making a living–yet!
In the American West it is a little different. In the West, our leftist protagonists have figured out that if they can cripple the ranching and farming ways of life then they can silence their opposition.
Just yesterday I read an article on https://theduran.com for April 25th, the headline for which was Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock–Stunning War on Farming/Ranching written by Dewey Fernfield. Mr. Fernfield observed that “Oregon Bill IP13 would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as ‘sexual assault.’ The bill specifies that animals can only be eaten after dying of natural causes (at which point, aged/disease3d meat is not good). Oregon’s 12,000 beef producers raising about 1.3 million head of cattle are slated for elimination, as traditional farming and ranching is shut down in favor of lab-grown meat and indoor farms owned by the technocrats–a perfect way to force the population into perfect slavery. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.” That broadcast just might be something to check out.
I also ran across an article by Chris Gill from May 7, 2018 on https://pitchstonewaters.com which stated: “Since its conquest during the Mexican War, more than 50% of the West has belonged to the government, and ranching has been an integral part of Western settlement. The number of ranchers on public land has fallen by one-fourth since 1970, as agencies, allied with ‘conservationists’ steadily force ranchers off public lands. The deliberate ‘eviction’ of ranchers and livestock is not only destroying the West’s precious ranching culture but a key component of the region’s economic base.”
Let me state right here that this is the name of the game–purposeful destruction of the culture of the American West–because as in the South, the American West produces those still capable of independent thought and action–those who want the federal government and all its alphabet agencies to just back off and let them live their lives. And the federal government has no intention of doing that!!! The feds want to control all aspects of our lives, right down to what they allow us to have for supper tonight. Range-bred beef will be outlawed and the culture that dares to try to grow it will be outlawed.
This should be an excellent area for the nullification process to be used it, both at the federal and state levels to curb the growth of excessive government. I have to wonder about these technocrats who want the sole responsibility for producing what meat we will now be allowed to consume–how many of them are dedicated Leftists? I am afraid we might not like the answer to that question.
I hope the good folks in Oregon rise-up and demand of their legislators that they vote against this utter foolishness–actually it is not foolishness. I am positive this is by design and it needs to be exposed as such and repudiated.